Description du projet
Comment l’homme appréhende l’environnement et les technologies numériques
Dans le cadre du projet STAR, financé par l’UE, le terme «perception» fait référence aux interfaces de perception de plus en plus imbriquées entre l’homme, l’environnement et les technologies numériques. Et la «sensibilité» désigne l’approche consistant à guider activement ces transformations selon une ligne humaniste, dans le respect de notre environnement. Dans le cadre du programme de bourse proposé, STAR attirera, développera et mettra en relation au niveau mondial 20 chercheurs expérimentés afin de relever des défis liés à ces questions. Le programme sera structuré en sept défis thématiques visant à élargir le rôle de l’Europe dans ce contexte. L’objectif général est de générer des opportunités de recherche de haut niveau et d’accroître la mobilité, l’employabilité et les possibilités de carrière des chercheurs.
The goal of the proposed Fellowship Programme: Sensing and Sensibility – Transcending Disciplines for a Responsible Future (STAR) is to provide a fruitful environment for attracting, developing and globally interconnecting experienced researchers who are able to address the complex questions associated with the grand challenges of the present. “Sensing” addresses the increasingly interweaved sensoric interfaces between humans, the environment and digital technologies, “sensibility” summarises the indispensable attitude towards actively guiding these transformation along a humanistic approach and responsibly for our environment. STAR contributes to attracting and educating the human talent required to enable Europe to expand its leading role in this context. The proposed Fellowship Programme is designed for a duration of 60 months offering funding opportunities for 20 experienced researchers and their projects. Following a selection process based on openness, transparency, merit, impartiality and equality, and striving to respect the principles set out in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers in the very best manner, the programme ensures absolute neutrality by giving all selection power to external experts. Recruited fellows will be supervised by highly experienced researchers, safeguarding high-quality research outputs. STAR is a bottom-up Fellowship Programme which is structured in seven thematic challenges offering a wide range of highly flexible research opportunities and world-leading intersectorally connected partners. In addition, high-level research and training opportunities will increase researchers employability and career opportunities by expanding necessary skill sets. To increase positive effects on the European Research Area, STAR will offer two different recruitment schemes promoting mobility and the transfer of knowledge within Europe and beyond: INCOMIMG and OUTGOING.
Régime de financement
MSCA-COFUND - Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND)Coordinateur
57076 Siegen