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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

A Graph Theoretic Approach for Resilient Distributed Algorithms


Following the immense recent advances in distributed networks, the explosive growth of the Internet, and our increased dependence on these infrastructures, guaranteeing the uninterrupted operation of communication networks has become major objective in network algorithms. The modern instantiations of distributed networks, such as, the Bitcoin network and cloud computing, introduce in addition, new security challenges that deserve urgent attention in both theory and practice. The goal of this project is to develop a unified framework for obtaining fast, resilient and secure distributed algorithms for fundamental graph problems. We will be focusing on three main objectives: 1. Developing efficient distributed algorithms that handle various adversarial settings, such as, node crashes and Byzantine attacks. 2. Initiating and establishing the theoretical exploration of security in distributed graph algorithms. Such a notion has been addressed before mainly in the context of secure multi-party computation (MPC). The heart of our approach is to develop new graph theoretical infrastructures to provide graphical secure channels between nodes in a communication network of an arbitrary topology. 3. Exploring the power of interaction between an untrusted prover and a distributed verifier. This model touches upon central theoretical concepts concerning randomness, communication, and their interplay with the underlying graph. The main novelty in addressing these objectives is in our approach, which is based on taking a graph theoretic perspective where common notions of resilience requirements will be translated into suitably tailored combinatorial graph structures. We believe that the proposed plan will deepen the theoretical foundations for resilient distributed computation, strengthen the connections with the areas of fault tolerant network design and information theoretic security, and provide a refreshing perspective on extensively-studied graph theoretical concepts.

Champ scientifique

CORDIS classe les projets avec EuroSciVoc, une taxonomie multilingue des domaines scientifiques, grâce à un processus semi-automatique basé sur des techniques TLN.

Régime de financement

ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Institution d’accueil

Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 450 085,00
7610001 Rehovot

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Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 1 450 085,00

Bénéficiaires (1)