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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Halide perovskite heterostructures based on 2D nanoplates building blocks for next generation optoelectronics

Descrizione del progetto

Materiali straordinari ottengono una notevole stabilità tramite un processo di autoassemblaggio

I materiali bidimensionali (2D), come le pellicole sottili, hanno spesso proprietà ottiche, elettriche, meccaniche e magnetiche uniche di grande interesse per scienziati e ingegneri. Quando due di questi vengono combinati (creando eterostrutture 2D o 3D), le proprietà esotiche e straordinarie attivano innovazioni e dispositivi con prestazioni rivoluzionarie. Le perovskiti di alogenuri sono una famiglia emergente di semiconduttori sintonizzabili la cui facilità di lavorabilità significa che sono anche piuttosto instabili come eterostrutture 2D se prodotte con metodi di elaborazione convenzionali. Il progetto HeteroPlates, finanziato dall’UE, sta sviluppando approcci per fornire eterostrutture di perovskite di alogenuri 2D altamente stabili per la prossima generazione di optoelettronica sfruttando concetti di autoassemblaggio colloidale.


Soaring demand for energy calls for out of the box thinking in research and design of materials to enable technology far beyond today’s standards.
What would be the perfect material for light mater interaction? What if we could utilize natural processes and assemble such a material, monolayer by monolayer with exquisite control over the resulting electronic structure. HeteroPlates will address these challenges using halide perovskite two dimensional nanoplates as building blocks and test beds for these ideas.
Metal halide perovskite are exciting the scientific community with high conversion efficiency and ease of device processability. But this is a double edge sword since it deems long term device stability an ongoing challenge, especially where perovskites interface other materials and create heterostructures.
Perovskite heterostructures play a crucial role, they influence electronic structure and affect device functionality, efficiency and most importantly stability. It is therefore critical to understand hetero-epitaxial growth and develop methods to create perovskite heterostructures and interfaces in a controlled fashion and characterize them at these length scales. My research program HeteroPlates will employ a bottom-up approach, taking advantage of the natural stability of colloidal 2D nanoplates, their atomically flat surfaces and tendency to self-organize. By means of colloidal synthesis, perovskite will grow, be grown and self -assembled into uniform monolayer controlled heterostructures. Using specially developed characterization methods we will achieve ground breaking control over imaging resolution of heterostructures.
These methods will be employed to create Proof-of-concept devices with new functionalities, aiming for translation of knowledge and methodologies garnered from colloidal heterostructures to higher hierarchy devices, serving future generations.

Meccanismo di finanziamento

ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Istituzione ospitante

Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 872 500,00
32000 Haifa

Mostra sulla mappa

Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 1 872 500,00

Beneficiari (1)