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Multimodal and interconnected hubs for freight and passenger transport contributing to a zero emission 21st century

Descripción del proyecto

Probar un método integrado para lograr unos sistemas de transporte más ecológicos

La rápida transición hacia sistemas de transporte con cero emisiones y resilientes frente al cambio climático requiere un enfoque integrado del transporte de pasajeros y de mercancías. El proyecto financiado con fondos europeos MOVE21 estudiará seis nodos urbanos, desde la definición de la política hasta la planificación y la aplicación en las ciudades participantes. El enfoque integrado y holístico de MOVE21 garantiza que los posibles efectos negativos de las tecnologías de emisiones cero en un ámbito no se transfieran a otros, lo que, en última instancia, potenciará la resiliencia de los sistemas de transporte europeos. MOVE21 trabajará a través de los laboratorios vivientes de Gotemburgo, Hamburgo y Oslo y de las tres ciudades de repetición, a saber: Bolonia, Múnich y Roma. Probará diferentes centros de movilidad e innovaciones y desarrollará medios para una movilidad y una logística limpias e inteligentes.


A swift transition to zero emissions and climate resilient transport systems requires that passenger and freight transport no longer are addressed separately and in isolation from one another. Passenger and freight transport must be addressed together so that policies, infrastructure (physical and digital), vehicles and energy sources serve both. These will be tackled in an integrated and coherent way in six urban nodes: from policy definition, to planning and implementation in the cities cooperating in MOVE21. The tested and integrated approach will then be disseminated across Europe. This integrated approach ensures that potential negative effects from applying zero emission solutions in one domain are not transferred to other domains, but are instead mitigated. It also ensures that European transport systems will become more resilient. Central to the integrated approach of MOVE21 are three Living Labs in Oslo, Gothenburg and Hamburg and three replicator cities: Munich, Bologna and Rome. In these, different types of mobility hubs and associated innovations are tested, and means to overcome barriers for clean and smart mobility are deployed. The Living Labs are based on an open innovation model with quadruple helix partners. The co-creation processes are supported by coherent policy measures and by increasing innovation capacity in city governments and local ecosystems. The proposed solutions will deliver new, close to market ready solutions that have been proven to work in different regulatory and governance settings. The Living Labs are designed to outlast MOVE21 by applying a self-sustaining partnership model that builds on already existing, strong partnerships for zero emission solutions. MOVE21 comprises 24 partners (six public authorities, two public transport companies owned by municipalities, six industry partners (two of which are SMEs), six research organisations and four network organisations) from seven different European countries.

Ámbito científico

CORDIS clasifica los proyectos con EuroSciVoc, una taxonomía plurilingüe de ámbitos científicos, mediante un proceso semiautomático basado en técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Convocatoria de subcontratación


Régimen de financiación

IA - Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 654 500,00
0037 Oslo

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Tipo de actividad
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Coste total
€ 1 654 500,00

Participantes (24)