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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Catalan European Researchers' Night

Descripción del proyecto

Sensibilizar sobre la investigación y sus aportaciones en Cataluña

Los actos de la Noche Europea de los Investigadores tienen lugar cada año en toda Europa, están dirigidos a toda la población y tienen como objetivo concienciar sobre la ciencia y su contribución a la sociedad. El proyecto EuNightCat20, financiado con fondos europeos, organiza actividades en Cataluña. Siete socios de la región han organizado para el 27 de noviembre de 2020 más de 250 actividades dedicadas a 5 temas, a saber, charlas de investigadores en las escuelas sobre su trabajo; presentación del programa Horizonte Europa; producción de vídeos con actividades de los investigadores; una exposición que mostrará el trabajo de 30 investigadoras de Cataluña; y actividades en centros comerciales o mercados para llegar a un gran público. Debido a la pandemia de COVID19, todas las actividades se han preparado tanto en formato físico como virtual. Toda la información se puede encontrar en


The Catalan European Researchers’ Night 2020 (EuNightCat20) project consists in a one-year proposal for 2020, with many different activities hold all around Catalonia. In September 25th 2020, seven different partners will coordinate more than 250 activities which will be performed from north-east (Girona), to the north-west (Lleida), going through the center of Catalonia (Osona), Barcelona and arriving at the south (Tarragona and Terres de l’Ebre). The proposal has a main subject based on let the general public to aware about the next mission-oriented program of European Commission (EU), mainly in the idea of how Researchers can help to change the world, to a better world (Researchers for Change). All these activities will be tagged within the different missions proposed by EU to show how important are they to meet the different challenges. EuNightCat20 is divided in five common activities at all locations: (a) Research meets Schools During Friday morning, researchers are going to schools to show their research and vice versa. Researcher will encourage students to follow a scientific career; (b)Catalan European Researchers’ Night – More than 200 activities are programmed all around Catalonia during Friday evening/night. A common European Corner will be allocated in each location for people to proposed project/solutions/ideas within each missionspecial attention will be paid to Horizon Europe Missions; (c) Researchers on the way – Common project where Researchers participating in the ERN will record short videos explaining, while they are travelling to the office/lab by train, walking, car, bike, etc. what is their Research about. The videos will be used to promote researchers, research and EuNightCat20; (d) Women in Science –Exhibition of 30 Catalan researcher women will be shown in each location, with the physical presence of them in the different locations; (e) Stumble upon Research – During Saturday morning, research will be found in daily places (malls, markets)

Régimen de financiación

CSA - Coordination and support action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 13 500,00
17004 Girona

Ver en el mapa

Este Cataluña Girona
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 27 000,00

Participantes (6)