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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenido archivado el 2024-04-30

Advanced propulsion integration aerodynamics and noise


Objectives and content:
The need to cope with rapidly evolving requirements for economically viable and environmentally acceptable propulsion systems has forced air framers to explore revolutionary systems such as ultra-high by-pass ratio engines especially open rotors. The development (and exploitation) of these novel power plants requires technology to integrate then with the airframe to produce efficient performance and reduced noise for operational configurations. The ultimate goal is a competitive new generation of commuter aircraft with the same operational capacity and comfort as regional jets yet with reduce demission and noise. It is first proposed to investigate in wind tunnels advanced propeller driven aircraft equipped with high-speed propellers (Mach 0.7-0.8). The test rig will primarily consist of an advanced powered wind tunnel model developed in IMT3"GEMINI II" programme. This includes an internal six components balance, a set of two air driven high-power turbines (290 SHP Engine Simulators), a set of typical high-speed propellers (Mach 0.78) with rotating balances and instrumentation such as dynamic pressure sensors or microphones.

Wings, nacelles and propellers are original design from GEMINI and SNAAP CEC funded research programmes. The powered model will be tested in ONERA S1 transonic wind tunnel and in DNW low speed tunnel to investigate aerodynamics and acoustics of "propeller-to-airframe interactions". The same propellers will be tested on an isolated rig in the same conditions to identify the effect of the airframe. In addition, this isolated rig will be adapted to NLR-HST for transonic regime (up to 2 bars generative pressure) to identify Reynolds effects on the propellers (scale effect). Forces, moments, pressures, radiated noise will be measured together with flow field velocities by mean of techniques such as Particle Image Velocimetry (P.I.V.). Second goal is to develop the capability of propeller noise prediction in transonic regime when scattered by an airframe (boundary layer, wing, fuselage effects), SMEs, Universities and Research Centers will cooperate to generate such a computational tool. This will be a development and a first application of the codes initiated under the IMT3 "SNAAP" CEC funded research programme. Predictions will allow an optimisation of the test matrix and experimental data will later on be compared to the theoretical ones to ensure quality of the industrial exploitation policy.

Convocatoria de propuestas

Data not available

Régimen de financiación

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


Aportación de la UE
Sin datos
Route de Bayonne 316

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Coste total
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Participantes (15)