Objectives and content
LIUTO is an Industrial Research project aiming at:
- the design, demonstration by small and full scale tests of an innovative NUB prototype to circulate in Venice's canals with minimum waves generation and washing effects by the propulsion system, while maintaining or even improving manoeuvrability;
- the design and development of a low maintenance cost, lightweight hull and superstructure, suited to severe service (berthing impacts) and to accommodation of the hybrid diesel electric system developed in a parallel project being submitted under the THERMIE programme (DEMO project); 3. the identification, by laboratory and operational tests, of materials suited for prolonged exposure to W radiation with low aestethical degradation, resisting vandalism or other degradation causes through the daily service' for the realisation of superstructures.
Upon successful results the LIUTO-DEMO prototype will be replicated to renew the whole ACTV M/B fleet on a gradual basis, following the economic lifetime of the existing vessels, with remarkable returns in both industrial business and improvement of the transports impact on the city. This replication phase could last indicatively 8 to 10 years, for the construction of ca. 50 new M/Bs. The technology and vessels type developed could be directly transferred to application in other water cities, such as Amsterdam, Lisbon, etc., but the benefits go beyond the urban water transports, since the erosion of banks and bottom of rivers and canals and the disturbance and damage to vessels moored alongside is of increasing concern in countries crossed by trafficated waterways, such as Holland and Germany.
The main innovative issues addressed by LIUTO are:
- Study of hull hydrodynamics, with validation of numerical models, based on accurate wave far field measurement in addition to resistance and near field criteria;
- Optimisation of vessel manoeuvrability by numerical and experimental analysis of hull-propeller performance and interference;
- Study and development of GRP composite materials suited for commercial passenger service, satisfying safety, durability, aestethical and life-cycle cost requirements;
- Hull structure and propulsion design optimised to meet the THERMIE-DEMO hybrid energy system;
- Study and development of innovative azimutal thrust systems, comparing experimentally jet systems with more traditional screw propellers; - Study and development of propulsion system control, to optimise motor power delivery as function of the actual working condition of the propeller (e.g. cavitation and stalling prevention control).
The six partners proposing LIUTO cover the full spectrum of roles and expertise needed to assure its technical success and the economic exploitation of results. LIUTO indeed involves large, medium and small enterprises, qualified academic and R&D institutions, manufacturers and end user.
Ámbito científico
Convocatoria de propuestas
Data not availableRégimen de financiación
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinador
30124 Venezia