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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-11

Side Impact Dummy Enhancements for Improved Occupant Protection forthe Year 2000 and Beyond


New EUROSID prototype dummy parts, instrumentation and certification procedures. Specifications and dummy parts for a new advanced dummy, referred to as WorldSID. This dummy is being developed to ultimately replace all existing side impact dummies world-wide. The requirements contain anthropomorphic targets and new biomechanical corridors. The 50th percentile male WorldSID head, neck and pelvis prototype parts have been delivered in this project.
Improved understanding on injury risk functions for EUROSID-1 and the statistical methods used to derive these functions. Also, the appropriateness of existing PMHS data for this purpose has been expressed.
Evidence for the need of a small female dummy, needed to assess the protection offered to that part of the population that has highest risk at severe head injury.
Objectives and content
The issue of the European Directive 96/271EC: "Protection
of Occupants of Motor Vehicles in the Event of a Side
Impact" marks an important step in improving vehicle
safety in Europe, but also confronts car and restraint
manufacturers with the difficulties of having to comply
with different standards in different areas of the world.
Whereas worldwide harmonisation discussions have started
recently, only little has been achieved yet to overcome
the problem of high development costs and considerable
development time for these manufacturers. A major
problem now is the specification of the dummy used in the
compliance tests, which is both a standardisation as well
as scientific, technical problem. Major efforts are
needed now and, obviously, require a transnational
The main objective of the project "SID-2000" is providing
basic scientific knowledge and tools to enhance and
harmonise the side impact dummy, which in the long term
will improve side impact protection to the level required
for the year 2000 and beyond. Major results of this
project are: design enhancements of the dummy, needed to
better assess the protection offered to car occupants;
injury risk functions, needed to better quantify the
effect of injury prevention countermeasures; and a
pronouncement on the need for different sized dummies,
needed to better assess the protection offered to the
whole population at risk.
The scientific approach applied in this project includes
analyses of accident data; biomechanical data and dummy
data and validation of proposed enhancements, all needed
to appropriately address and quantify the problem. Tasks
of this project have been defined such that the project's
results can and will be communicated with industry,
governmental authorities and research organisations such
that Europe's needs can properly find their way in
harmonising side impact dummy specifications.

Zaproszenie do składania wniosków

Data not available

System finansowania

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


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