Objectives and content
Carbon dioxide and water at supercritical conditions are
the basis of powerful methods to extract materials and to
degrade or oxidise the extracts fully to minerals without
organic solvents. All emissions are under complete
control including the oxidation product CO2.
It is the objective to develop a highly effective process
which is a combination of extraction by C0 for treating
mass consumer or industrial wastes and the degradation of
these extracts by supercritical water to obtain minerals
for re-use (SCE/SCWO). The innovative idea is:
moderately contaminated materials are subjected to
condition of supercritical CO2; these extracted materials
are than concentrated and subjected to the stronger
conditions of supercritical H 2 O.
The model application will include wastes of electronic
mass consumer goods containing substance like flame
retardants which induce problems on recycling. About
650.000 t/year of flame retardants are produced worldwide, and today's disposal is in-adequate.
The process should be adaptable to other important waste
problems in chemical and pharmaceutical industry for
treatment of wastes and soil contaminated with
halogenated organics. Within the work programme the
basic processes have to be investigated to end up finally
with a model plant. Tasks will be to design and
construct the SCE-extractor, the SCWO-reactor, the
interface and the installation and testing of the model
plant based on modelling of the flow fields Sensors,
electronics and control devices have to be developed for
on-line monitoring. To prepare later exploitation
applicability to problems of similar substances to be
extracted will be studied. An up-scaling concept
includes economic and ecological considerations and
defines a product to be later introduced to the market.
The expected achievement is the realisation of the new
end of pipe process without any hazardous exhausts.
Fields of science
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinator