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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2022-12-23

The effect of dust explosion pressures on industrial plant, buildings, work areas, public areas and environment


Under the aegis of the EEC Environment programme, a research programme Contract No ES5V-ct92-0082) has recently been started to study the burning phenomena in dust clouds, the pressure and flame effects in the vicinity of vents and the reaction of buildings and structures to flame and pressure.
An essential part of this study is an understanding of the flame processes in burning dust clouds so as to enable a model of the pressure and flame effects to be developed.
The proposed project will be integrated with, and provide a valuable addition to, the programme.
The project will be concerned with the measurement of the structure of flame propagation in quiescent and turbulent dust clouds and to assess the effect of flame structure on flame velocity. Particular attention will be paid to the effect of pressure and temperature. The work will complement that in the present project being carried out at CMR, Norway on measurement of fundamental burning velocity of dust-air mixtures in industrial situations. The study at CMR is intended to feed data into a model being developed in the programme for the predication of flame and pressure effects. More detailed knowledge of flame structure that would be obtained in this new project would enable more precision to be included in the model and so extend the conditions over which it could be applied.

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CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


British Materials Handling Board
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SL5 7EU Ascot
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Partecipanti (1)