Different technologies are proposed for the remediation of
industrially contaminated sites. It includes thermal, physico-chemical, and biologieal proeesses performed separatelly, in series or in a eombined way. Nevertheless the safety of their effieieney-eosts relationship is not guarantied due to some bottlenecks concerning the hazard assessment of polluted or treated materials for their future reuse. An urgent need of complementary tools for the assessment of remediation techniques efficiency, at the pilot or industrial scale, is expressed for a better development of processes and assessment of soil reuse feasability. At the present time, the hazard assessment of polluted or treated materials is limited to analytical chemistry methods applied after the selection of specific or global physico-chemical parameters which are enough sensitive, perninent and cost-effective. In addition, leaching tests are used to assess the hazard linked with the transfer of toxic elements or compounds through water flows and the potential contamination of groundwater systems. This method is efficient when the number of pollutants is limited to a homogeneous family of compounds concerning their potential behaviour within natural media. In the presence of complex mixtures in soils or sub-soil systems, this method cannot guaranty the safety of results. As a matter of fact, an exhaustive determination of toxic compounds is not possible on a technico-economical basis due to the number of physico-chemical parameters to be determined and the lack of knowledge on the interferences existing between the different toxic compounds and soil components. On the basis of enhanced physico-chemical paramater selection schemes and of complementary ecotoxicologieal bioassays on selected biological targets, the objective of this project is to establish and validate an assessment methodology for the efficiency of remediation techniques for contaminated sites Industrial pilot scale installations designed during former research and development programmes in the field of coke-oven site remediation will be used to develop, enhance and validate the proposed assessment methods. Specific studies will be focussed on the sensitivity and interest of ecotoxicological bioassays compared to classic physico-chemical parameters for this assessment purpose. Polluted and treated materials obtained through different treatment processes will be assessed in the field of iron and steel industry contaminated sites. The general methodology will be developed for its potential application in a larger range of other industrial sectors checking the application of each characterization parameter to different families of pollutants. In addition, the specific application to the iron and steel industry and specifically coken oven site contaminations, will give precise informations on the technico-economical comparison of remediation techniques applied to several industrial sites.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
Aufforderung zur Vorschlagseinreichung
Data not availableFinanzierungsplan
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsKoordinator
54515 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy