PAN is a higly reactive and thermally unstable photooxydant
(peroxy Acetyl Nitrate). It is important as a reservoir for
nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere and as an interference in Nox measurements. PAN measurement and calibration of PAN analyzers is difficult. No reference standard exists, as PAN standards are unstable. The present intercalibration proposal involves an
intercomparison of the wide variety of calibration methods presently in use. The participants will calibrate PAN standards and then use the standards for calibration of PAN analyzers. The experiments will be performed with local PAN standards and with standards distributed from the co-ordinator (at carbon ice temperature). Automatic PAN analyzers are part of the intercalibratior equipment. Between intercalibration experiments these instruments will produce ambient PAN measurements. Results of the intercalibration and the measurements will be published in reviewed journals.
Data not availableZaproszenie do składania wniosków
Data not availableSystem finansowania
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsKoordynator