International Schools on Molecular Catalysis have been organised every three years since 1992. The programme of each of the Schools covered a full range of problems of current interest in molecular catalysis but on top of that each School was devoted to a different main theme. The hitherto organised Schools have concerned the following main topics 1st School. Poznall-Baranowo 1992 - Principles and Advances in Molecular Catalysis, 2nd School Poznan-Kiekrz 1995, - Organometallics and Molecular Catalysis, 3nd School Lagow 1998, - Mechanistic Aspect of Molecular Catalysis.
As a periodical event School has been already recognised as a advanced training event for young researchers from western, central and Eastern Europe. The main theme of the Fourth International School on Molecular Catalysis will be the relations between structure, properties and reactivity of transition - metal complexes and their catalytic activity. Special interest of the School will be also devoted to:
- New catalytic reactions
- New effective catalyst
- New mechanism of catalysis.
The main idea of the School is to share the knowledge gained by top-ranking European (and world) scientists with those who see their career in the field. The fundamental and recent achievements in the field will be provided and discussed in he form that could be used as reference material for students and young researchers. Already confirmed participation of outstanding European and as well as selected top-ranking scientists in the field from outside Europe (Canada, Japan, USA) will ensure advanced training and high scientific level of the School. It is of particular concern of the organisers to facilitate contacts and scientific discussions especially between young researchers and lecturers and among young researchers of different nationalities.
Following the practice of previous Schools all keynote lectures will be published in a special volume of the series entitled "Education in Advanced Chemistry" initiated in 1993. The volumes published so far have been appreciated by reviewers and enjoyed significant interest because of high educational value. Both the School and a series are meant to be a contribution to a unified European educational programme.
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SC - High Level Scientific ConferenceKoordinator
60 780 POZNAN