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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-04-19

Intercomparison of leaching tests for stabilized waste materials


The potential environmental hazards caused by waste materials varies strongly between wastes from different sources. Although elimination and minimization of waste streams have the highest priority, it is obvious that significan streams remain. These have to be dealt with in an environmentally acceptable manner. Some bulk wastes and treated wastes can be used in construction, other waste streams will require stabilization before disposal to minimize adverse environmental effects. At present, proper methods (e.g. leaching tests) to address potential environmental effects from monolithic waste forms are not implemented in regulation which justifies research in this area.

The project aimed to test methods used for the characterization of stabilized waste materials and to study the factors controlling release from monolithic materials.
The interlaboratory study has been succesffuly concluded in 1995 and showed that the results of the common procedure tested (tank leaching test) were in good agreement among the laboratories. The results of this work have been communicated to CEN (CEN/TC 292) and are now being examined. A summary of this research is described in the EUR Report 16133 EN (1994) of the European Commission.
The work consisted in the preparation of representative samples of stabilized wastes (cement-based), the testing of homogeneity and repeatibility of leaching within one laboratory, the organisation of an interlaboratory study with 22 laboratories from EU countries and Associated States, the data interpretation and the communication of the results to the respective national bodies and to CEN.


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Netherlands Energy Research Foundation
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1755 ZG Petten

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