The aim of the project MASTER is to provide recommendations for speed management strategies and policies and develop guidelines for the development of innovative speed management tools, The approach is comprehensive, in addition to safety it takes into account also other factors which are relevant in the definition of adequate speed management policies.
The objectives of the project are:
a) Description of the speed-accident relationship on different kinds of roads.
b) Development of a comprehensive method for the determination of the overall effects of speed.
c) Description of the present speed management methods and speed levels on European roads.
d) Determination of factors affecting the acceptability of different speeds and speed limits to road-users.
e) Determination of the effects of road design on drivers' speed behaviour.
f) Evaluation of ATT (Advanced Transport Telematics) and non-ATT approaches to speed management.
g) Evaluation of in-car speed limiters.
h) Development of speed management strategies.
i) Development of recommendations for speed management policies.
Objectives (h) and (i) are the primary objectives, Objectives (a) through (g) serve as intermediate objectives that are necessary to reach the primary objectives.
Links with other projects, tasks, areas, programmes, policy actions:
Link with road safety policy development. Link with DUMAS project and with projects in the Programme Telematics Applications for Transport.
Call for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
CSC - Cost-sharing contractsCoordinator
02044 VTT