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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenido archivado el 2024-05-14

A European Benefit-Tax Model and Social Integration: A Preparatory Study


This Thematic Network aims at:

Examining the technical feasibility of constructing an integrated European policy simulation model based on micro-data for the analysis of the impact of policy on social integration at both national and European levels. This objective will be achieved by collecting the information necessary to assemble the components of the model.

The preparatory study will examine design strategy and feasibility in the following six areas: data availability, data comparability, policy structures, data-policy compatibility, behavioural response and computing strategy.

To perform the simulation of the impact of existing national policy and policy directions at a European level, the micro-data need to contain appropriate informaton for each household (or groups of similar households). Establishing the extent to which available data are sufficient for each area of policy simulation and defining which policy areas may be modelled in a common way acrosss countries is at the heart of the model building project.

In order to establish to what extent the paper exercise that is designed for all 15 countries does detect all the problems that would be encountered in the practical construction of the model, two practical case studies will be carried out (for UK-France and Germany-UK) using national micro-data and subsets of policy areas.

Establishing the need for such a model among potential end-users, including:

- European Commission services;
- European Trade Union Federation (ETUC);
- European Employers' Organisation (UNICE);
- ILO;
- Consumer organisations (national and international);
- Non-gouvernmental organisations (family and pensioners' associations, women's lobbies etc: national and international);
- National fiscal administrations, social security administrations, trade unions and employer federations;
- The European parliament and national parliaments.

A non technical explanatory booklet at will be published. It will present the case for the model, with illustrations of example simulations, showing how an integrated European model can meet the needs identified after discussion with the responsible people of the institutions listed above.

A conference will be organized in Brussels in February 1997 for potential users, and will report on the results of the whole study .

Convocatoria de propuestas

Data not available

Régimen de financiación

CSC - Cost-sharing contracts


University of Cambridge
Aportación de la UE
Sin datos
Sidgwick Avenue
CB3 9DE Cambridge
Reino Unido

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Coste total
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Participantes (8)