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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-14

In-company training and learning in organizations


The aim of the Project is to describe and compare current strategies for in-company training and learning in organisations, in relation to core skills and competencies. Strategies for in-company training, learning in organisations and HRM strategies will be compared within and between major companies active on the European arena, within and between countries, to clarify the relation of practices to varying contexts. Companies included in the project will mainly be from the countries of the research partners.
The research methodology is literature studies, surveys and qualitative case studies.
The following surveys will be carried out; an extension concerning learning and training in organisations of the 1995 survey on HRM in 14 European countries (UK, DK), a survey of efforts, expenditures and trends in in-company training and learning (NL), an explorative investigation of the impact of technological innovation on training, learning and selection (NL), a survey on current approaches to learning and development to identify indicators of best practices (IRL), an empirical quantitative study of "best practices" (DK). The surveys will be closely coordinated for achieving comparable results. Also, in depth case-studies will be carried out, all concerning a limited number of companies, interviews with decision makers and users,on organisational approaches to training and development (UK), a study on progress in aiming at self learning organisations (NL), a study of facilitating factors for competence development and organisational learning (DK), a qualitative analysis of differences in learning environments, in-company training strategies and conditions for learning in organisations, between companies and countries.
The practical contribution of the project is to propose structures and strategies that enhance and facilitate the creation of learning environments, and best practices for in company training and learning organisations, through the comparative results of the project. The contribution will be concrete examples of best practices among countries and proposed structures to provide "learning organisations".
The partners are Department of Education, Lund University in Sweden, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University in the Netherlands, Copenhagen Business School in Denmark, Cranfield University in UK and University of Limerick in Ireland.
To achieve fruitful results and to ascertain that the results will be implemented, the project will be carried out in an ongoing dialogue with reference groups, both on national and international level. This ensure us current evaluation of project methods and results. The reference groups consists of Employers federations, Labour Union federations, national providers and organisation for in-company training and education, among with key stake holders from the investigated companies.
The duration of the project is three years.

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