CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
Contingency plan
Toolboxes to mobilise EESL through joint procurement
Toolboxes to mobilise EESL through EPC or other with ESCOs contracts
Toolboxes to mobilise EESL through EPC or other with ESCOs contracts
Final publishable guide of the projectFinal guide of the project
Guide: New creative ideas to identify and propose innovative organisational models to mobilize bankable bundled SEITechnical and administrative clauses for bundled EEPB investments
Technical and administrative clauses for bundled EEPB investments. Due Date (in months:14,19,26,31,47)
Public compilation of didactic material used in the trainingsCompilation of didactic material used in the trainings (prezis of all training activities, uploaded in the website). Due Date (in months:6,14,23)
Guide to start up SME-MESCOs to accelerate green jobs creationToolboxes to mobilise EEPB through EPC or other with ESCOs contracts
Toolboxes to mobilise EEPB through EPC or other with SME-MESCOs contracts
Toolboxes to mobilise EESL through EPC or other with SME-MESCOs contracts
Power point and prezi presentations
Power point and prezi presentations. Due Date (in months:12,24,46)
Video of Final project conference presentationWebsite
Leaflets for private sectors
Collection of press releases
Collection of press releases. Due Date (in months:18,35,47)
Information panels for public buildings and street lighting (one example)Train the trainers' material
General projects brochure
Leaflets for financial institutions
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