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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Pathway to a Competitive European FC mCHP market

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Report 3 on customer attitudes to mCHP installations, PU

Report on customer attitudes to mCHP installations

Summary report on joint activities for standardisation and on recommended approach to standardisation
High-level declaration on FC m-CHP

Analysis of MS successful policy approaches.

Report 2 on customer attitudes to mCHP installations, PU

Report on customer attitudes to mCHP installations

3rd report on performance validation of units installed, PU

3rd annual report and final performance report

Report from regulations working group
Summary of installations
Summary results on policy scenario analysis
Report 3 on over-all performance in a system perspective, PU

Report 3 on overall performance in a system perspective

Report 2 on training and certification
Analysis of the potential for FC mCHP and other renewable technologies to act as a VPP through the provision of demand response services

The final report will draw on the conclusions from learnings generated and experiences acquired by past projects, following a review of existing studies and projects looking at the potential for FC mCHP and other renewable technologies to act as a VPP through the provision of demand response services.

4th report on performance validation of units installed, PU

4th report on performance validation of units installed

Economic value of FC mCHP participation in power and grid service markets

D43 extends D42 by adding the results from the analysis of two additional countries as well as the economic value added from the avoidance of grid extensions Country specific specialities will be included As in D 42 after the methodology part a result discussion and sensitivity analysis follows Furthermore the legal and commercial hurdles will be examined in a more qualitative approach for all three countries

Emerging conclusions first draft
Report 2 on over-all performance in a system perspective, PU

Report on overall performance in a system perspective

Report on recommendations for future standardisation activities based on analysis of feedback from the OEMs
Report 1 on training and certification
Report 1 on customer attitudes to mCHP installations, PU

Report on customer attitudes to mCHP installations.

Summary report on specifications for 'Gen Y' systems for use in communication

Summary report on specifications for Gen Y systems for use in communication

Report on technical opportunities for standardisation

Report on technical opportunities for standardisation.

Briefing papers linking FC mCHP with National Energy and Climate Plans

Briefing papers linking FC mCHP

Report on the lessons learned in setting up the servicing and after sales support

Report on the lessons learned in setting up the servicing and after sales support.

Business Model Study
New and updated communication material RP4

New and updated communication material

Website available/twitter and LinkedIn feed

Website available/twitter and LinkedIn feed.

Standard communications materials available

Standard communications materials available.

VPP session within European Grid Service Markets Symposium 2019

"PACE is will be present with a specific VPP Workshop on ""Virtual Power Plant - Experiences and Solutions with New Technologies"" (work title), bringing together the specialists from the FCH mCHP industry and the electrical grids / markets. From that an exchange and new ideas for fostering the introduction of the FCH technology is expected."

New and updated communication material RP3

New and updated communication material

European Grid Service Markets Symposium 2020

The successful series of GSM symposia is continued in 2020 GSM20 under the umbrella of the PACE project The GSM20 will not only refresh the relations between FCH and the electrical grid community but serve as a platform to foster the ideas of PACE and get a feedback from practitioners of both fields PACE members are invited to again actively participate in the presentations and panel sessions

New and updated communication material RP5

New and updated communication material

Workshop on standardisation


Status on Demonstration of Fuel Cell Based Micro‐CHP Units in Europe

Auteurs: E. R. Nielsen, C. B. Prag, T. M. Bachmann, F. Carnicelli, E. Boyd, I. Walker, L. Ruf, A. Stephens
Publié dans: Fuel Cells, Numéro Volume 19, 2019, Page(s) 340-345, ISSN 1615-6846
Éditeur: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/fuce.201800189

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