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Risultati finali
Deliverable 2.1 described the newly developed, EU-wide database on perceptions of structural and cohesion funds (and reasons why these funds may or may not be supported), how it integrates the data gathered from the first independent EU-wide survey for EU countries and regions (analysis run by GU in WP1) with the secondary data available (e.g. Eurobarometer data, EuroStat Regional Statistics and other existing secondary sources). The deliverable will also explain how the database will support the quantitative analysis in WP2 (spatial analysis using multivariate statistics and convergence analysis using both parametric and non-parametric methods such as the Stochastic Kernel and Semi-Markovian matrices).
Qualitative report with main findings from the interviewsDescriptive report about communication strategies of projects using data from structured interviews. The background of this report will be the same as in D3.1, however the data on which it will build are meant to be collected on a much larger geographic scale. Structured interviews will be distributed to managing authorities of the whole EU. Therefore this report will focus on extending and eventually validating the insight on communication strategies gained through qualitative case studies
Production of a report discussing (including visualizing topographic maps of meanings) the emergent topics in identity relevant discourse at the different levelsProduction of a report discussing the emergent topics in identity relevant discourse at the different levels. This document will report on further steps moved in the direction of understanding the shared meanings of EU policies and EU identity. In particular a set of formal methods and techniques – i.e. topographic maps of concepts and semantic networks – will be used in order to visually represent and further dissect the content and meaning of specific EU identity and EU policy relevant topics – i.e. collections of interrelated concepts.
Report on causal qualitative modelDeliverable 6.1 will describe the qualitative framework of analysis that will be used to inform the development of the System Dynamics simulation model, in particular the model structure in terms of stocks and flows and their governing relations and behaviours. The main causal feedback loops on the relation between EU citizens’ perception of the EU and the Quality of Governance will be identified moving from the case study information and the quali/quantitative analyses provided in WP1,WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5, and reported in Causal loop diagrams.
Descriptive report on the specific role of new media in EU financed projects' communication strategiesDescriptive report on the specific role of new media in EU financed projects’ communication strategies. Given the dramatic increase in the practical relevance of new social media in the last few years, this report will use data collected at different levels (i.e. regional and national) in order to disentangle specificities of these still rather unexplored channels to promote awareness and acceptance of cohesion initiatives among diverse regional publics. One such specificity to be discussed is interactivity of storytelling – i.e. how the perceptions of projects are dialogically constructed in discussions unfolding over time
Social media engagement reportA specific report dedicated to absolute numbers and ratios of engagement on social media at a European level.
Report on the construction of the EQI indicator Qualitative report with main findings from the survey and discussion of comparative results from the application of the indicator of perception in the different case study regionsDeliverable 2.3 provides the description of the EQI indicator that builds on the results of the survey in WP1 accounting for the spatial heterogeneity determinants across and within the selected case study regions.
Report on Urban policies for building smart citiesComprehensive report on Urban policies for building smart cities. The report will be divided into 3 main interconnected parts. First, the report will analyse the concept of a ‘smart city’. Second, the above concept of ‘smart city’ will be operationalised along the several dimensions elaborated in the ongoing literature. These will include the utilisation of networked infrastructure to improve economic and political efficiency and enable social and cultural development, the extent of business-led development, the social inclusion of various urban residents in public services, extent of high-tech and creative industries, social and relational capital, and social and environmental sustainability). Third, a new index of smartness and quality of life will be implemented based on Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis (SMAA). The new index will consider both the objective measures and the citizens’ perception of the aforementioned dimensions
Policy Brief (1): Guidelines on Cohesion Policies ImplementationGuidelines to support Cohesion Policy makers are built on the basis of the main messages conveyed by the conducted survey, the statistical analysis and regional focus groups
Report on the synergies between EU Cohesion Policy and rural development policies"Deliverable 4.2 builds on the results of previous literature (e.g., Crescenzi et al., 2015) as well as on the project team’s personal involvement in programming, monitoring and evaluation of EU funded measures in several EU-15 and EU-13 countries to (i) identify potential complementarities and synergies between EU Cohesion Policy, rural and urban policies supported by EU funds in order to improve the European Policy performance and the EU citizens’ perceptions of it, and (ii) contribute to assess the level of EU policy targeting in the case study regions, providing an analysis of discrepancies between regional policies implemented in each case study area and the ""real problems"" perceived by regional actors/population"
Report on the comparative analysis of experts' and citizens' perceptions and viewso Derivable 4.5 consists of a report on the comparative analysis of experts' and citizens' perceptions and views. The report will use the results obtained from the focus groups and from the survey in WP1 in order to explore whether the EU Cohesion Policy is perceived and understood by the citizens in the same way as it is conceived by practitioners. The report will use the contingency method to contrast the European Cohesion Policy objectives to the hierarchy of real problems identified by the regional actors. The report will conceptualise a hierarchy/evaluation scale to be applied for each case study area to measure the aforementioned differences across regions. Furthermore, the report will use the correlation analysis to analyse the intensity of the relation between the size of previously identified discrepancies and the perception on the cohesion policy efficiency. Building upon the above analysis, the report will include policy recommendation on the transfer of the best practices to the regions with low levels of citizens’ perception on the EU.
Report on the statistical analysis of communication efforts' impact and effectiveness on citizens' awareness and appreciation of EU financed projectsReport on the statistical analysis of the association between communication efforts on the one hand, and citizens' awareness and appreciation of EU financed projects on the other hand. This document will report about PERCEIVE’s effort to build and empirically test a theoretical perspective on the strategic use of communication for promoting cohesion and its implementation.
Report on the influence of the perceptions of corruption and governance on EU citizens' support for EU Cohesion PolicyBasing on the data collected in WP1, UGOT will undergo several multi-level comparative statistical analyses to investigate the extent to which citizen perceptions of corruption and governance can systematically explain their support for EU redistributive policies (Cohesion Policy), and to what extent such preferences are heterogeneous based on country or regional-level factors. This analysis will feed into recommendations for EU policy-makers on how to better frame argument for Cohesion Policy
Report on the results of the convergence analysis of EU citizens' identification with the EU project from 1995 up to nowDeliverable 2.5 discusses the methodology and results of quantitative assessment of the convergence trend in terms of pc GDP among the EU regions conditioned to the EU Cohesion and structural Funds. Moreover, it assesses whether the level of absorption of the EU Cohesion and structural Funds of the EU regions is influenced by the QoG at the regional and local level and how both affect citizens’ perception of the EU.
Report of the comparative analysis of the correlation between topics emergent from regional discourses on the one hand, and the awareness and perceptions of the EU (from Eurobarometer) on the other handComparative report on the statistical analysis of topics in regional discourses on the one hand, and the identification with the EU on the other hand. This document will be reporting about PERCEIVE’s contribution to build conceptually and empirically test a perspective on how citizens’ identification with the EU critically depends on shared meanings in discourses about the EU and its Cohesion Policy – i.e. how are they framed
Additional Report: Spatial determinants of policy performance and synergiesThis deliverable added, beyond those originally planned in WP4, serves as a policy report to encompass and complement the individual deliverables of WP4.
Report on the probabilistic model of estimation of citizens’ identification with the EU project and ranking of the case study regionsDeliverable 2.4 provides a description of the probabilistic model we use to assess the level of citizens’ identification with the EU project and its regional, heterogeneous drivers. The results will be used to rank the case study regions according to the level of citizens’ identification with the EU project, providing a taxonomy of regions according to the class of identity value the case study regions belong to.
Policy Brief (2): Guidelines on Cohesion Policies CommunicationGuidelines to support the definition of effective communication policies built on the basis of the main messages conveyed by the conducted survey, the statistical analysis, regional focus groups and symulation analysis
Report of the spatial analysis results of the heterogeneous multidimensional determinants of EU citizens’ perception at the regional case study levelDeliverable D2.2 contains the description of the methodology and results of the spatial analysis that builds on quantitative methods proper of Multivariate Statistics Analysis (principal components analysis and cluster analysis) and uses the secondary data provided by EU institutes and institutions, and the primary data provided by the survey in WP1. The analysis will assess the heterogeneous multidimensional determinants of EU citizens’ perception at the regional case study level. The PCA will allow us to identify synthetic indicators of the determinants of citizens’ identification patterns in the different EU regions while the CA will identify similarities and differences among the EU regions, highlighting rural versus urban differences, and spatially constrained clusters of regions (North-South-Eastern and Central).
Report with analysis of model behaviour and scenario analysisDevelopment and implementation of a SD modelling environment to simulate the interactions among the sectors and actors analysed in the project, in order to understand (i) the main determinants of EU citizens’ perception of the EU, (ii) their causal drivers and their reciprocal influence, and (iii) the intertemporal evolution of citizens’ preferences for EU policies, and local/regional policy officers behaviour towards good governance of the EU funds, by comparing their short term benefits with long term costs of their actions. The deliverable will show alternative scenarios of EU citizens’ interaction with the EU policies and their potential reciprocal influence
Report on the policy recommendations on how to integrate Cohesion Policy with Urban and Rural policiesDerivable 4.4 consists of a report on the policy recommendations on how to integrate Cohesion Policy with Urban and Rural policies. The report will address how territorial cohesion objectives match the “real problems”. Past and current programming periods will be contrasted in order to assess to what extent the policy performs has been effective in reducing the gap between territorial cohesion objectives and observed problems. The report will adopt a comparative approach based on selected case study regions in order to identify the best practice in mixing the EU policy instruments for a better achievement of regional needs
Report on Smart Cities and ResilienceThe report will address the self-enforcing circular process of the perceived contribution of the EU discourse to the social and economic development and, in turn, its contribution to the economic resilience. The report will test the hypothesis that a higher degree of creation and use of knowledge (including the knowledge and identification with the EU policy) lead to a higher economic resilience and hysteresis within the urban context by adopting both a qualitative and quantitative approach.
Qualitative report on the impact and effectiveness of communication strategies from the semi structured interviews with cohesion policy practitioners (including third-party partners in the consortium), written by each partnerQualitative report on the impact and effectiveness of communication strategies from the semi structured interviews with cohesion policy practitioners (including third-party partners in the consortium). This report will detail project managers’ communication strategies from two different but interrelated perspectives. First, strategies will be classified and discussed in terms of communication mix decisions – i.e. which audience should be targeted for which type of project and through which media. Second, rhetorical strategies will be classified and discussed – which kind of storytelling resources are used to construct the legitimacy of projects. Individual cases of success and failure will be selected for the regions in the sample of PERCEIVE
Short contribution (report) to be used in dissemination events about the empirical relevance of a social constructivist and discursive approach to EU identity emergence and integrationShort introductory document about the opportunity and relevance of a social constructivist and discursive approach to EU identity emergence and integration. This document is meant to support the presentation of PERCEIVE in dissemination events. The main focus of this document will be conceptual, but at the same time it will emphasize on the practical implications that this so far only very little considered perspective has for understanding better the discourse about the EU, Cohesion Policies and regional diversity
Project presentation is a two-version of a graphic supported project presentation: o a short 1-2 pages abstract o a medium length 4-5 pages project description • Go live of a very simple website based on the abstract’s content. • Go live of all the social media channels that the analysis set as strategically important
Database of the topics and sentiments in the discourse about EU cohesion policy. Through the collection and coding of discourse from different kinds of media a collection of topics – i.e. immigration, development, innovation, smart cities etc – and orientations, or sentiments, – i.e. agreement, disagreement and neutrality – will be used to populate a database. While a description of the database will be available around the 14 month of the PERCEIVE project, the db itself will to be made publically available on-line for further research only after the end of the PERCEIVE project
Luca Pareschi,Edoardo Mollona, Vitaliano Barberio, Ines Kuris
Pubblicato in:
Numero 3, 2018, ISBN 9782-960219500
Valentina Aiello, Cristina Brasili, Pierre Maurice Reverberi
Pubblicato in:
Tudor, Monica Mihaela; Florian, Violeta
Pubblicato in:
"proceedings of ""Economia agroalimentară și dezvoltarea rurală din perspectiva integrării europene""", Numero 22, 2018, ISBN 978-973-27-2946-5
Editura Academiei Romane
Tudor, Monica Mihaela; Florian, Violeta
Pubblicato in:
"proceedings of ""Piețele Agricole și Spațiul Rural în Contextul Modernizării și Simplificării Politicii Agricole Comune""", Numero 39, 2019, ISBN 978-973-27-3127-7
Editura Academiei Romane
Valentina Aiello, Pierre Maurice Reverberi, Cristina Brasili
Pubblicato in:
Papers in Regional Science, 2019, Pagina/e 1-19, ISSN 1056-8190
Springer Verlag
Paweł Chmieliński; Marcin Gospodarowicz
Pubblicato in:
Annals PAAAE, Numero 17, 2018, ISSN 1508-3535
Polish Association of Agricultural and Agribusiness Economists
Tudor, Monica Mihaela; Florian, Violeta; Rosu, Stefania Elisabeta; Kruzslicika, Mihaela
Pubblicato in:
Rural Areas and Development, Numero 41, 2019, ISSN 2657-4403
Institute for Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute
Pubblicato in:
Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Numero 13, 2017, ISSN 1841-0375
Editura Academiei Romane
Enrique López-Bazo, Rosina Moreno, Vicente Royuela, Jordi Suriñach
Pubblicato in:
Investigaciones Regionales / Journal of Regional Research, Numero 37, 2017, Pagina/e 183-203, ISSN 2340-2717
Spanish Regional Science Association / Universidad de Alcalá
Bauhr Monika, Charron Nicholas
Pubblicato in:
European Union Politics, 2018, ISSN 1741-2757
Bauhr, Monika; Charron, Nicholas
Pubblicato in:
Journal of European Public Policy, Numero 41, 2019, ISSN 1350-1763
Brasili Cristina, Calia Pinuccia, Monasterolo Irene
Pubblicato in:
Regional Science Policy & Practice, 2019, ISSN 1757-7802
Aiello Valentina, Reverberi P.ierre Maurice, Brasili Cristina
Pubblicato in:
Regional Science Policy & Practice, 2019, ISSN 1757-7802
Charron, N.; Bauhr, M.
Pubblicato in:
2018, Pagina/e 1-47, ISSN 1653-8919
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