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Risultati finali
A dedicated project website will be developed which will be used to provide general project information (background, consortium members, funding structure etc.) and as an outlet for deliverables as they are made public.
Initial stakeholder databaseBased on the contacts available to each of the consortium members, their relevance and willingness to engage with NEAR2050.
Summary of networking activitiesThis deliverable will summarise the networking and dissemination activities that have taken place over the course of NEAR2050.
Final Stakeholder databaseThe finalised stakeholder database that is based on those parties who were interested in the project, took part in expert interviews, workshops, further dissemination events, and wished to be kept informed as to the developments in the project.
Report of recommendationsThe main deliverable will be the proposal for change, structured by criteria derived from the structure of the S2R Master Plan to guarantee an easy deal with the proposal and easy understanding for all addressed recipients. The project will try to deliver a detailed picture of the intervention logic of Shift2Rail. All recommendations for chances and pointed out connections and discrepancies are deliverables that can easy be used for further actions. Detailed explanations are helping to stimulate a corporate image of the railway future. The chosen criteria will also be deliverable of WP6 maybe leading to an additional structure for S2R Master plan and the future needs of railway actors.
Presentation of end results of verified future perspectivesThe verification will be done by further research using additional sources, like expert interviews, confronting these experts with the developed future perspective and asking them if the deliverables are reasonable. On the other hand trend analyses software will be used for statistical analyses of consistencies and dependencies of the influencing factors and mini-scenarios. These verified future perspectives will be presented in a study of the end results.
Reports from FG and In-depth Interviews (Pilot Experience)Report where all the data gathered from the FG and Interviews will be analysed and from which the main points and variables will be extracted for using it in the surveys.
Final Report of customer requirementsFinal report of the WP which will group all the data collected in the previous deliverables and will present the final conclusions about customer requirements.
Medium - long term modal distribution scenariosUsing discrete choice models different medium-long term transport scenarios will be calculated and different range of possible modal distributions cases will be presented with an occurrence feasibility attached to them.
Reports on focus groups and in-depth interviewsReport where all the data gathered from the FG and Interviews will analysed and from which the main points and variables will be extracted for using it in the surveys.
Analysis of the current transport modal distributionA report in which the actual European modal distribution will be analysed.
Relevant trends, Influencing factors and key factors regarding transport research analysisA summary of Mega-trends and trends relevant for the research issue by using enquiry of trend reports, trend conferences, all media channels, monitoring of relevant indicators, the non-directional search (scanning) for signs of influential developments, and relevant influencing factors. The influencing factors will be evaluated by context analysis, pointing out different perspectives (e.g. mobile phones can be investigated by the possibilities of technical factors and by the future usage). The other method to evaluate the influencing factors will be a Delphi-survey, a structured survey of stakeholder groups getting a lot of expert opinions.
Prediction models and future trendsDesign Methodology and Collected Data is explained, after that a statistical analysis with discrete choice models will be estimated. The models will explain the most important variables regarding train use and will enable making future predictions.
Mini-scenarios of future stakeholder perspectivesCustomers/stakeholders will be confronted with selected specific influencing factors and a future perspective as an aggregation of these mini-scenarios will be “designed”.
How can the S2R Technical Developments be implementedThis deliverable will look at current EU regulations relating to the rail sector and investigate how the structure of these aid/hinder the introduction of new technologies and ideas. Regulatory bottlenecks that exist relating to the process of preparing regulations along with the updating processes and intervals will be assessed and methods as to how these can be overcome will be suggested. The impact of the regulations thus far will be assessed. An assessment of the new technologies being tested in line with the various technical demonstrators will be made. This will include a technical assessment of the various technologies to be tested, and what the cost effectiveness, added value, and sustainability of these will be. The use of expertise within the consortium and expert interviews with external parties will be used in order to form opinions on these topics.
Organisation of workshops, interviews, other such dissemination eventsThis deliverable will be responsible for all workshops, interviews, conferences. This includes drawing up attendance lists, organisation of venues and hospitality, and providing appropriate handouts on the day.
Determining the long-term changes in future needsThis deliverable will take the forecasted trends up to 2050 and using these determine and analyse the needs of the various actors in the rail sector. An online platform, interviews and workshops will be utilised in order to obtain the various opinions of the actors. In line with the S2R MAAP this deliverable will focus on four use cases: Long-distance and high-speed rail, regional passenger traffic, urban and suburban passenger traffic, and freight traffic. Attention will be given to developments in rolling stock, power supply systems, intelligent traffic management, IT solutions, and infrastructure design.
Stories and visulations of selected scenarios"The visualisation of the results complete the trend analyses. Using storytelling and graphical recording will lead to descriptions of typical situations of future perspectives for selected ""personas"" and will lead in graphics that can be compared with movie scripts."
minutes of the kick-off meeting with agreed action-pointsThis report captures the essence of the meeting, including details such as: •decisions made (motions made, votes, etc.) •next steps planned •identification and tracking of action items
Creation of project-unique logos, templates and creation of a dissemination and exploitation planCreation of a project identity that will make NEAR2050 identifiable. The dissemination and exploitation plan will be developed detailing the various measures that will be employed and to ensure that full awareness is raised for this project.
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