Call documents
D 5.2 Deployment of ERA-NET Cofund WebsiteDeployment of ERA-NET Cofund Website
D 5.1 Strategies for communication and knowledge sharingStrategies for communication and knowledge sharing
Development of a medium to long term joint research and innovation agenda
D 2.1 Call textCall text
D 6.2 Report on lessons learned from exploring new modalities for collaboration and alignmentReport on lessons learned from exploring new modalities for collaboration and alignment
D 4.2 Final monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment report of co-funded projectsFinal monitoring evaluation and impact assessment report of cofunded projects
D1.3 Draft proposal for a long term EU-Africa Research and Innovation Flagship Programme on FNSSADraft proposal for a long term EUAfrica Research and Innovation Flagship Programme on FNSSA
D 5.3 A report for programme owners on good practices for supporting knowledge sharing in bi-regional, joint projectsA report for programme owners on good practices for supporting knowledge sharing in biregional joint projects
Bernard Mallet, Maurice Héral, Eric Mwangi, Prudence Makhura
Veröffentlicht in:
2017, Seite(n) 1
Josiane Seghieri
Veröffentlicht in:
4th World Congress in Agroforestry
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