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Energy management competition for local authorities for uptake and enhance of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans

CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.

Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .


Documentation of the motivational workshops

Summary report on motivational workshops organised in all the partner countries. Report will be in English with main lessons learned and max 20 pages

Updated EnMS manual

Updated EnMS manual for LAs is in English, including additional procedures for adaptation. The initial version of the manual is based on the Manual of 50000&1SEAPs project and will be updated on the latest achievements and best practice examples as well as with adaptation.

Documentation of Award ceremony

Report will contain documentation of EU Conference and Award ceremony. Report will be in English and max 20 pages with agenda, photos, links to presentations, attendance etc.

Report on EnMS choice

Short report (in English, max 10 pages) on comparison between ISO50001 and EEA will be presented. It will made based on discussions within consortium and with key stakeholders.

EU and national newsletters

The first newsletter will be developed in English and will be addressing EU level. Each EU newsletter will be no longer than 4 pages. National newsletters will be prepared/adapted by national partners based on newsletters developed in Save@work project. Updated versions of this deliverable will be provided in M10, M18, M28, M36 through Formal Notification

Methodology for the evaluation of competition

Methodology for the evaluation of competition will be developed in English and main parts also translated in national languages for all the targeted LAs. The report will be max 30 pages and contain the main rules for assessing the results of energy saving competitions in all countries.

Documentation of participation at events

Report with documentation on participation at events where COMPETE4SECAP was presented, including type of presentation, feedback, interest from public etc. Summary report will be in English and max 10 pages.

Summary report on evaluation results

Summary report on overall evaluation results of the whole COMPETE4SECAP project will be prepared, including success stories and failures etc. Report will be in English for wider use of public and max 20 pages.

COMPETE4SECAP sustainability strategy

COMPETE4SECAP sustainability strategy will be developed to discuss and present further actions based on the overall outcome of the project. Report will be in English and max 20 pages

Documentation of trainings for Energy Teams

Report on trainings of Energy Teams in all the partner countries, including topics, attendances, evaluation, lessons learned, shortcomings etc. Summary report will be developed in English with max 30 pages.

Final Public Project Report

Additionally to Sustainability Strategy (D7.3) Final Public Project report will be developed. Report will be in English and max 25 pages.

Certificates of EnMS

Summary report (in English, max 20 pages) with certification process and (links to) certificates of EnMS implementation in target LAs.

Documentation of national events

Summary report with all the national events will be prepared with agendas, attendance, evaluation, lessons learned etc. Summary report will be in English and max 30 pages

Guidelines for use of Online Monitoring Tool

Guidelines and instructions for the use of the Online Monitoring Tool in English and national languages. Max 30-40 pages.

Guidelines for upgrading SEAPs to SECAPs

Guidelines for partners how to ensure upgrading process of SEAPs to SECAPs will be developed before their use and application in targeted LAs. Guidelines will be max 10-15 pages in English and translated also in national languages.

Documentation of internal challenges

Report on internal challenges that have occurred during energy saving competitions in LAs and at national level. Summary report with input from all partner countries will be in English (max 30 pages).

Template for internal audits

The report will include template in English for internal audits of EnMS implementation. Template will be translated in all national languages and used for targeted LAs to implement internal audit.

10 fact sheets on funding opportunities

Report with 10 fact sheets on funding opportunities will be prepared in English and adjusted for national needs in partner countries and will be delivered to LAs via dissemination and communication activities in WP6. Each fact sheet will be max 2 pages.

Project website

Project website in English and all national languages

Project visual identity

Project logo and posters in English and all national languages will be developed and also available on the project website

Scientific publications

Two scientific publications with outcomes (also process) of the project results will be published in English. Journals with a good impact factor will be selected. Max of each publication will be 8-10 pages.

Visual and technical materials

Set (list) of Visual and technical materials for the energy saving competition used in all partner countries.


Getting Municipal Energy Management Systems ISO 50001 Certified: A Study with 28 European Municipalities

Auteurs: Jan Kaselofsky, Marika Rošā, Anda Jekabsone, Solenne Favre, Gabriel Loustalot, Michaël Toma, Jose Pablo Delgado Marín, Manuel Moreno Nicolás, Emanuele Cosenza
Publié dans: Sustainability, Numéro 13/7, 2021, Page(s) 3638, ISSN 2071-1050
Éditeur: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su13073638

Top Energy Saver of the Year: Results of an Energy Saving Competition in Public Buildings

Auteurs: Jan Kaselofsky, Ralf Schüle, Marika Rošā, Toms Prodaņuks, Anda Jekabsone, Edina Vadovics, Kristóf Vadovics, Thekla Heinel
Publié dans: Environmental and Climate Technologies, Numéro 24/3, 2020, Page(s) 278-293, ISSN 2255-8837
Éditeur: Sciendo
DOI: 10.2478/rtuect-2020-0103

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