CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
This deliverable is related to Task 1.1. Data Management Plan will set the basis for the Dissemination and exploitation but also the procedures for the sharing of data of the project. This is the first version to be revised during the course of the project.
This deliverable corresponds to Tasks 9.1., 9.2. 9.3. and 9.4. This deliverable explains how the project will communicate its developments and outcomes, and how the consortium will ensure visibility of the project and dissemination of its results throughout its duration. The main outcomes will be a plan identifying a set of dissemination activities to be implemented and materials to be developed (leaflets, presentations at international conferences and workshops, scientific publications) and a general communication strategy to follow during the project lifetime.
Final Release of SHIP2FAIR Replication Tool after validation activitiesThis deliverable is related to Task 7.3. Final prototype of the replication tool, including the simulation engine for current and future energy scenarios for solar heat integration in industrial processes.
Final version of Dissemination and Communication PlanThis deliverable corresponds to Tasks 9.1., 9.2., 9.3. and 9.4. It will include the updates of the dissemination and communication plan including the list of performed activities and specific showcases for each demo-site.
This deliverable corresponds to task 71 and will summarize the activities developed in demonstration activities including startup of the demo phase and monitoring
Training guidebookDeliverable D94 related to task 93 is a guidebook gathering a standardized version of the training materials with no specificities from the demosites and thus with a wide applicability This guidebook will be based on the different steps of training materials done during the project during the WP7 which will be specific of each demosite and would be mentioned as examples D94 will be published through the web site The brochure for policy makers is provided in this deliverable
Use cases for the integration of solar heat in industrial processes identification and characterizationThis deliverable corresponds to Task 2.1. This document will outline the most promising use cases identified according to the following criteria: attractiveness of the related business model (profitability, investment needs and funding opportunities), replication and market potential (cross-sectorial replication, number and size of EU companies, current sector status), environmental impacts (fossil fuels substitution, CO2 emissions avoided) and technical feasibility.
Roadmap for the deployment of Solar Heating for Industrial ProcessesLeveraging on the experience gained from the demosites this deliverable result of Task 83 will analyse the market steps to be performed out of the project and the sectorial peculiarities of solar heat integration in industrial processes along with the SHIP2FAIR results and assets validated in the food and beverage sector and will present a possible roadmap of the replicability of SHIP2FAIR in other industrial sectors
SHIP2FAIR Pre-Feasibility Replication studiesThis deliverable corresponds to Task 84 This report will include the prefeasibility studies realized by means of the Replication Tool in collaboration with the replication sites
SHIP2FAIR Best practices guideThis document related to task 74 provides information to support any stakeholder interested in building a project on solar heat integrating in the industrial processes addressed in the use cases This document describes all the necessary steps to develop a project and maximize its benefits
Business models for the deployment of Solar Heating for Industrial ProcessesThis deliverable corresponds to Task 81 The outcomes of the report will be a Cost Benefit Analysis for the demosites and a business model for each of the use cases characterized under Task 21 following Canvas methodology
Key Performance Indicators to evaluate the integration of solar heating in industrial processesThis deliverable corresponds to Task 2.4. The deliverable D2.3 will include the definition of a set of relevant KPIs for describing the impacts that would derive from the implementation of solar plants at the demonstration sites. It will be realized accordingly to specific references to primary energy consumption, share of solar, GHG emissions and other pollutants, investment and operating costs for the new plants to be installed. A database of the set of relevant KPIs, prepared based on a market analysis, will be defined using available sources as well as a database of costs of the technologies (CAPEX and OPEX) for each main solar technology will be prepared based on a market analysis. A comparison with the EU-28 energy tariffs differentiated per country and energy vector (natural gas, electricity, oil derivate fuels, etc...) will be made to address cost benefit.
This deliverable corresponds to Task 92 At each demosite a specific showcase room will be enabled in order to show to the public information about the project demonstration activities and results
Lukas Feierl, Viktor Unterberger, Claudio Rossi, Bernhard Gerardts, Manuel Gaetani
Publié dans:
Solar Energy Advances, 2022, ISSN 2667-1131
Solar Energy Advances
Viktor Unterberger, Klaus Lichtenegger, Valentin Kaisermayer, Markus Gölles, Martin Horn
Publié dans:
Applied Energy, Numéro Volume 293, 1 July 2021, 116891, 2021, ISSN 2076-3417
Applied Sciences
Stefano Barberis, Francesco Peccianti, Luca Castellino, Thomas Bolognesi, Alessandro Bortoletto
Publié dans:
E3S Web of Conferences, Numéro 113, 2019, Page(s) 03018, ISSN 2267-1242
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