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POWDER: DeveloPment and Optimisation of 3D Printing with neW Certified PowDER Material.

Descrizione del progetto

Una nuova polvere che migliora la produzione additiva degli stampi

Numerosi componenti vengono realizzati a partire da stampi in metallo, nei quali viene versato del materiale liquido che successivamente si solidifica nella forma desiderata. Gli stampi in metallo sono spesso composti da materiale rimosso da uno stock solido, da cui si origina una quantità superiore al 90 % di rottami. La produzione additiva offre notevoli vantaggi. La fusione laser selettiva consente di realizzare un prodotto fondendo selettivamente strati consecutivi di polvere con un fascio laser. La riduzione del costo eccessivo associato alle polveri e dei lunghi tempi di produzione ne incrementeranno la diffusione. Il progetto POWDER, finanziato dall’UE, sta affrontando queste limitazioni con una polvere metallica atomizzata combinata all’ottimizzazione del sistema laser. Questa combinazione ridurrà il tempo e i costi necessari alla realizzazione degli stampi, incrementandone al contempo le prestazioni e la riutilizzabilità.


Conventional material removal machining in mould making is wasteful of material. Moulds machined from solid stock cut away >90% of the original material, thus >€1.1B is wasted annually in Europe. Selective Laser Melting (SLM), has been demonstrated to be more effective in injection mould making. However, SLM still represents <1% of all products in Europe because of limitations to its application. Chief is the high cost of the metal powder and the time of realisation of the parts. Powder costs €135/Kg with a single mould requiring >250 kg. The powder, once used, can only be re-used 5 times, thus >50% is thrown away. In a case study, 30Kg of powder was added to an SLM machine and the following results were obtained: -1.6 Kg used for the part - 1.4 Kg complete waste – powder sucked by filters - 27 Kg powder removed – 90% of the initial amount With the current powder, a single part may take >24 hours to complete, increasing the total cost of ownership of the moulds. Another concern is the inefficiencies in the laser systems of the current 3D printing machines. POWDER seeks to revolutionise 3D printing through development & certification of an atomised metal powder. We will use advanced Materials Science and specialised binding materials that will speed binding, reducing development time. To improve the wear resistance of the moulds, we will use a specialised ceramic coating with high hardness and low friction characteristics. To optimise the laser system, we will lower the cross-section parameters of the gain fibre by using a high saturation glass matrix. POWDER eliminates all barriers shielding clients from enjoying the benefits of SLM and provides the following benefits: » Reduce mould building time by >400% » Reduce moulding cycle time by 55% » Reduce TCO of the moulds by 30% » Enhanced re-usability factor >50% POWDER will play a vital role in RB’s growth, generating a cumulative turnover of €16.8M by 2025.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1


R.B. S.P.A.
Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 50 000,00

Mostra sulla mappa


L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Nord-Est Emilia-Romagna Modena
Tipo di attività
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Costo totale
€ 71 429,00