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Reduced platform lift enhancing accessibility for disable citizens

Opis projektu

Ekologiczne windy schodowe dla Europejczyków z niepełnosprawnościami

W Europie żyje ponad 3 miliony użytkowników wózków inwalidzkich i 40 milionów osób z upośledzeniem ruchowym. Bariery architektoniczne stanowią dla nich duży problem w życiu codziennym. Windy platformowe (umożliwiające przewiezienie wózka inwalidzkiego) i schodowe zużywają dużo energii, są drogie w utrzymaniu, mają duże wymiary oraz są głośne i powolne. W 2015 roku firma Extrema rozpoczęła prace nad rozwiązaniem Slim+, windą platformową o najmniejszych rozmiarach i najniższym zużyciu energii. Produkt jest szybszy, elastyczny, bardziej zrównoważony, bezpieczny i cichy. W ramach finansowanego przez UE projektu Slim plus zostaną przeprowadzone prace mające na celu poprawę parametrów prototypu opracowanego i przetestowanego na poziomie laboratoryjnym z zamiarem wprowadzenia go na rynek.


Architectonical barriers at the EU represent a problem to people in general with mobility impairments in their everyday lives. This is a big problem, as currently there are 3.2M wheelchair users and 40M people in Europe that cannot walk without aid. To solve out this matter, platform lifts (able to carry a wheel chair) and stairlifts where created. However, this kind of machines present some problems at the time of its use, from which the most important one is their high consumption of energy, which makes them machines expensive to maintain. This consumption increases in an exponential way when the number of steps is high (>3 floors), being evident in the electricity bill. Other limitations are their big dimensions (not suitable for stairs < 1m), the disturbing noise of their motors, and the low speed (7’ to complete 4 floors!).
In 2015, Extrema, a leader in accessibility systems, started developing Slim+, a platform stairlift with the smallest size and the lowest energy consumption of the market (50% less), which will allow to do more steps with the same motor, in narrow places and in a more sustainable and secure (improved electronic system) and silent (<60Db) way. The main innovative components developed include: new breaking system, new material for key components, novel stabilizing system and improved electronic device.
A first prototype has been developed and tested at lab level (TRL6), however there are several activities to be done to improve the performance of current prototype to reach the market.
Slim+ emerges in response to the demands in terms of energy consumption for platform lifts, with the purpose of widespread accessibility and mobility to all European citizens, especially in urban areas. With Slim+, Extrema will be able to compete in a wider market, enlarging the possibilities of market up-take. We estimate that with this project, Extrema will reach a margin of €5.4M by 2024, and will increase the number of employees by 15.

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€ 50 000,00
46031 Bagnolo San Vito

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Nord-Ovest Lombardia Mantova
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Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Koszt całkowity
€ 71 429,00