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A Decision Support Tool to Manage Earthworks along Road and Rail Networks


Ein Unterstützungsinstrument zur Bewältigung von Transportunterbrechungen infolge von Klimaveränderungen

Der Klimawandel hat auch für die Verkehrsinfrastruktur schwere Folgen. Straßen- und Schienennetze sind extremen Wetterbedingungen heute stärker ausgesetzt denn je. So verursachen zunehmende Regen- und Hochwasserperioden aufgrund des Klimawandels in nordeuropäischen Ländern beispielsweise immer mehr Probleme bei Dämmen, Böschungen und anderen Erdbauwerken, welche die Bahn- oder Straßeninfrastruktur stützen. Ihre verheerenden Auswirkungen auf die Verkehrsnetze reichen von Betriebsausfällen bis hin zu Verletzungen und dem Verlust von Menschenleben. Um dieses Problem anzugehen, schlägt das EU-finanzierte Projekt DETER ein Instrument zur Unterstützung der Entscheidungsfindung vor, das bei der Verwaltung von Erdbauwerken zum Einsatz kommen soll. Dieses Instrument basiert auf neuen wissenschaftlichen Algorithmen und liefert eine quantifizierbare Risikobewertung für jede einzelne erdbauliche Struktur.


Road and rail managers must maintain their networks to ensure the safety of passengers and the reliability of transport services. The management of earthworks is particularly challenging as many of these assets were constructed prior to modern engineering standards, meaning that earth/rock slopes and embankments are of poor construction quality. More frequent extreme weather events due to climate change are rapidly worsening the situation and increasing the occurrence of earthwork failures. At present, infrastructure managers are forced to make decisions about where to implement remediation works based on disparate information from various data sources, and are constrained by annual budgets. Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions Ltd. has developed an innovative software solution, DETER, which can be used to conduct a risk ranking of earthworks and to support decision making for optimised budget spending to prevent failures along road and rail networks. This is the leading Decision Support Tool available for the management of earthworks that is based on novel scientific algorithms, providing a quantifiable risk assessment for each earthwork asset. The product is at a TRL of 7 as it is currently being used by the national railway operator in Ireland to manage 3,700 earthwork assets. GDG aim to become the leading provider of DETER and intend to commercialise this innovative tool within the European and global markets. To do so, this feasibility study will conduct a detailed market analysis to establish the scale of the market opportunity and to verify that DETER is the leading solution for the management of earthwork assets. The feasibility study will also include a technical review of the compatibility of DETER with existing databases through engagement with infrastructure managers, a review of existing commercial barriers, and the development of a commercialisation strategy for GDG to bring this product to market, resulting in an elaborated business plan for DETER.

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€ 50 000,00
- Aughrim Wicklow

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Ireland Northern and Western Border
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 71 429,00