CORDIS fournit des liens vers les livrables publics et les publications des projets HORIZON.
Les liens vers les livrables et les publications des projets du 7e PC, ainsi que les liens vers certains types de résultats spécifiques tels que les jeux de données et les logiciels, sont récupérés dynamiquement sur OpenAIRE .
Update timeline of research policy inputs as well as a list of actions to be undertaken.
Inventory of funding instrumentsFirst set of factsheets that include information on the available funding for R&D in terms of accessibility and amount.
First set of RHC-ETIP expert information materialEach Horizontal Working Groups will deliver the first set of information material, according to its Work Programme.
Draft Communication PlanPreparation of the first draft Communication Plan to launch the RHC-ETIP's communication activities. This will include the preparation of the first set of communication material for the RHC-ETIP.
First timeline of research policy inputsMapping of relevant policy and regulatory issues: Creation of a list of policy and regulatory issues that identifies those topics which can be of general interest to the heating and cooling sector. This list will be annually updated in order to take into account new developments.
Final strategy for engagementFinal document which takes stock of the results achieved by the implementation of the activities detailed in D34 and defines the final actions to be adopted to ensure that the additional stakeholders are fully included in the work of RHCETIP after the projects end
Final RHC-ETIP expert information materialA final set of RHCexpert information material will be produced by the Horizontal Working Groups
Final report on research policy achievements and next stepsDocument summarizing the policy activities implemented during the contact and their achievements
Final report on communication activitiesReport which summarises the communication activities performed during the contract This will also include a final set of RHCETIPs communication material
Update of RHC-ETIP expert information materialEach Horizontal Working Groups will produce an update of the expert information material, taking into account recent changes and redefined challenges.
Final document on the financing strategy for the RHC sectorUpdated factsheets and recommendations
Organisation of the first annual conference of the RHC-ETIP.
Updated RHC-ETIP websiteRevamped RHC-ETIP website, including the feature related to the online projects’ database, to be developed together with EHPA.
Online projects' databaseFinalisation of projects database with the relevant information and definition of next steps to ensure continuous inclusion of relevant information
Organisation of third annual conferenceOrganisation of the third annual conference of RHCETIP
Organisation of second annual conferenceOrganisation of the second annual conference of the RHC-ETIP.
Document which details the procedures to comply with the General Data Protection regulation (GDPR), and other relevant ethics’ requirements.
Andrej Mišech (EUREC, BE)
Anna Spoden (EUREC, BE)
Alicia Blanco (EUREC, BE (creative lead))
Ioannis Avagianos (Bioenergy Europe, BE)
Giorgio Bonvicini (RINA Consulting, IT)
Christoph Brunner (AEE Intec, AT)
Marco Calderoni (R2M Solutions, IT)
Jack Corscadden (Euroheat & Power, BE)
Pedro Dias (Solar Heat Europe, BE)
Reghina Dimitrisina (European Geothermal Energy Council, BE)
Publié dans:
MAIN AUTHORS (in alphabetic order):
• Angel Andreu - Veolia, FR
• Christoph Brunner - AEE Intec, AT
• Marco Calderoni - R2M solutions, IT
• Cristina Cremenescu - Ecovis Ciurtin & Associates, RO
• Hatef Madani - KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE
• David Pearson - Star Renewable Energy, UK
• Dominik Rutz - WIP Renewable Energies, DE
• Bastian Schmitt - University of Kassel, DE
Publié dans:
Main authors
(in alphabetic order)
• Angel Andreu – Veolia, FR
• Magdalena Berberich – Solites, DE
• Wolfgang Birk – Luleå University of Technology, SE
• Christoph Brunner – AEE INTEC, AT
• Marco Calderoni – R2M Solution, IT
• Maria João Carvalho – LNEG, PT
• Guglielmo Cioni – TVP Solar, CH
• Luis Coelho – Polytechnic Institute of Setubal, PT
• Alice Denarie –
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