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Content archived on 2022-11-21

Use of the forced oscillation technique for detecting respiratory disease in cases of occupational exposure


The aim of the research is to develop an expert system to evaluate occupational respiratory diseases, based on the forced oscillation technique, and to test it on a selected group of workers.

It is intended to develop a technique which is simpler and more sensitive than spirometry and which can detect any bronchial or pulmonary reaction during or immediately after exposure at the workplace.

Using the expert system, it will be possible to leave routine reports on respiratory function, which are based chiefly on how results compare with the reference values, entirely to the computer. In addition to the interpretation of global spirometry, the project will also involve analysis of the reversibility of airways obstruction following the use of a bronchodilator, interpretation of residual volume, total lung capacity and diffusion capacity and assessment of the information obtained from the forced oscillation technique results.

The system will then be used on a group of students and a group of steelworkers.


After comparison of various specialized languages for expert systems, Prolog (Programming in Logic) was chosen. Prolog is based on first order logic and is being used increasingly to develop expert systems.

Reference values for most lung function tests are to be found in the literature of the subject. However, the forced oscillation technique is an exception, since it is relatively new and no standard measurements have yet been established. Values will therefore have to estimated, as in the case of the reaction to bronchodilators which is also very uncertain. A value will be considered abnormal of it falls below the fifth percentile. For borderline cases, a more accurate interpretation will be obtained by combining a number of parameters in accordance with statistical rules and expressing them as scores, for example when interpreting obstructive or restrictive disorders.


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Call for proposal

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Universitaire Ziekenhuizen Leuven
EU contribution
No data
Herestraat 49

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Total cost
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