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Regulation of DOR, a novel gene involved in diabetes


Diabetes has a huge global impact, making it one of the priorities of biomedical research. During my post-doc, I characterised a novel gene named DOR - Diabetes and Obesity Regulated, connected with diabetes and obesity. DOR is a nuclear coactivator that enhances the transcriptional activity of several nuclear receptors. Our results suggest a new pathway involved in the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes. The proposed project aims to understand how the expression of the DOR gene is regulated in skeletal muscle and adipose tissues under normal physiological conditions. For this, after an in silico study of the DOR promoter, the human promoter will be analysed in cultured cell lines of those tissues. We expect to find common regulatory elements, which will be studied with suitable methodologies. Deletion analysis of the promoter will be performed, and regions involved in transcriptional control will be further analysed to identify binding motives and the corresponding transcription factors. Moreover, the role of methylation and of selected pharmacologically active substances in DOR expression will be studied. Further important information about DOR regulation will derive from the analysis of a single nucleotide polymorphism in the promoter. Continuing the characterisation of this novel gene will surely be a major contribution to unravel the aetiology of obesity and type 2 diabetes. The expected results have a great potential to increase the competitiveness of the European biomedical industry and to contribute to better and more cost-efficient health care. This project is the basis for my reintegration into the Institute of my PhD. I return as a group leader to start a new line of research, getting the opportunity to develop an excellent scientific career, aiming at a professorship. This grant will be fundamental for my reintegration, since its financial support will help build a foundation of quality at the international level for my new work group and my career.

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