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Fostering the rebirth of social sciences and humanities in the Central Asia


The Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan) are strategically located at the crossroads of the ancient Silk Road between China, the Middle East and Europe. This area was for centuries one of the cradles of civilisation. Today finds the countries of Central Asia (CA) in a period of rebirth. At the same time they have to withstand several threats such as ethnic diversity, border disputes and the processes of nation building as well as different religious beliefs and the rapid juvenescence of the population. All of these problems directly influence the rest of the world, and are directly connected to social sciences and humanities (SSH). Nowadays, new technologies are bringing everyone closer together than ever before in our history. In this situation it is easy to realise that our histories, cultures and even languages are linked and studies in SSH, without considering this, are therefore unthinkable. At the same time, it is extremely important that all parties should understand the same indications in the same way (e.g. academic recognition, accreditation, evaluation, quantitative indicators in SSH). The PHOENIX project constitutes an integrated set of networking and training measures for SSH community in CA using, besides the expertise of Member State (MS) partners, the expertise of existing EU funded projects (MORESS, HERA, INTAS ININ Continuing advice) and collaboration networks (COLLNET). The SSH community's increase in competence and expanded area of action will be achieved through workshops, information seminars and video conferences and video links to identify and motivate potential collaboration, and to boost the acquisition of knowledge about new trends in SSH and the role of SSH in ERA. Information gathering activities such as competence and research mapping in SSH, publications and dissemination will support SSH community need for new knowledge on CA and Europe SSH capabilities.

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Régimen de financiación

SSA - Specific Support Action


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Koidula 13a

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Participantes (2)