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Inhalt archiviert am 2024-04-19

Mobile Autonomous Robots for Transportation and Handling Applications


The objective of MARTHA is to develop several key methods, software and sensing technologies needed to advance the state of the art for autonomous robots, so as to satisfy the requirements of automated transshipment applications.
Several key methods within software and sensing technologies needed to advance the state of the art for autonomous robots, so as to satisfy the requirements of automated transshipment applications, have been developed. System level specification of the 2 typical applications has been carried out. The first one, called heavy load application, deals with the automated transportation of large boxes at sea or rail transshipment sites, by means of a large fleet of vehicles. The second one, called medium load application, deals with the automated transported of medium load boxes on combined indoor/outdoor sites as may be found at airports. System level specification of the central computer and of the vehicle control system has been made. Common project standards (software quality plan and computer standards) have been defined. Theoretical studies have been made in order to define or to select the most suitable methods for several important functions. Technological evaluation of appropriate techniques on sensing and communications has been carried out. Design specifications of the different subsystems have been drawn up. The software developments for the central computer station and for the vehicle control system and the construction of a scanning laser sensor have commenced.


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