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Content archived on 2022-12-23

High quality perovskite powders for high-tech application of advanced ceramic technology

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Advanced ceramic technology

The collaboration of five European laboratories is leading to an improvement in the quality of superconducting ceramic target for thin film deposition

Industrial Technologies icon Industrial Technologies

Superconductors are materials allowing electric current to travel through them without any loss of energy. As superconductors behave this way at low temperatures we cannot use them when high temperatures are attained. The use of high temperature superconductors is then required. Transport current densities of these modern materials are enhanced as their purities increase and their particle size becomes finer and better defined. One of the barriers to producing thin film applications for the new group of high-temperature superconductors is the lack of development of target preparation technology. A group of scientists at the Moscow University have prepared a fine grained homogeneous precursor powder of high quality perovskites, using a technique based on controlling the aggregate structure of the powder during its synthesis, by applying a combination of ultrasonic and thermal treatment. Scientists from Minsk have used this precursor powder, in order to prepare target pellets, applying non-traditional pressing methods, like explosive pressing. These target pellets were then used as substrates for obtaining thin films by laser ablation at the University of Twente. Researchers using the crystal growth facilities of Fachhochschule Münster confirmed the role of different parameters of the precursor powders in the quality of the final crystal. Some of the newly discovered materials based on nickelate and cobaltite ceramics are promising for applications in large-scale chemical processes like catalysts and sensor materials.

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