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Manipulation of Images in Real-time for the creation of Artificially Generated Environments

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Innovative production tool aids media convergence

Media considered traditionally independent such as, TV, radio and internet, can now be combined with concurrent production and partly simultaneous delivery. This is achieved by the MIRAGE editorial system, developed to provide a generic, platform-independent and cost-effective tool for broadcasting production environments.

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High costs of production for audiences of TV, radio and internet can now be addressed by using the MIRAGE editorial system, which employs just one production team. The system is also appropriate for electronic publishing companies, through the utilisation of its information retrieval and dissemination system. MIRAGE is a generic, platform-independent, comprehensive multimedia production and delivery environment, providing a faster exchange of information and content. Training of editorial staff on the system can be easily carried out by existing staff, in less than a week, making the MIRAGE particularly appealing, as it minimises the need for specialised personnel for technical support. On another level, with MIRAGE, it is possible to create a website out of real-time input and administer this input. This is a particularly useful feature for customers who have to solve the problem of live production, such as news broadcasting can create. To demonstrate the MIRAGE system, a tri-medial show format was developed which could prove to be an interesting entertainment format for new TV channels offering interactive services, or for digital TV programmes. Considering that for a TV format to be successful in the future, it will have to attract a specifically defined target group, it can be assumed, that a tri-medial highly interactive show, using the specific strengths of each medium, will attract an interesting, active audience. Such an editorial system is, therefore, particularly advantageous to anyone active in multimedia production, primarily broadcasters and production houses. Useful links:

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