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Content archived on 2024-05-14

Optimisation of industrial kilns by means of using low oxygen content flues-gases from industrial gas turbine cogeneration systems

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Waste gas for hotter kilns

Tiles, made from either clays or ceramics, require extremely high kiln temperatures in order to be fired and glazed properly. As this is an industry heavily reliant on energy consumption, a group of industry specialists undertook means to reduce energy costs and improve kiln performances.

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In order to improve the efficiency of ceramic or clay tile production, a novel method of using Cogeneration of Heat and Power (CHP) from industrial turbine exhaust gases has been developed. The system boasts better kiln performance in relation to energy costs, capital expense savings and more effective use of energy that would otherwise be wasted. The concept behind the system's function is relatively simple; use the low oxygen content of the exhaust gases generated from industrial turbines, and feed them back into the tunnel kilns. In order to adapt the theory to practice, several aspects related to the process were examined. One of which included a simulation of the process parameters and an investigation through both modelling and computational means of the behaviour of lean oxygen combustion using turbine exhaust gases. The theoretical concept realised good results in practice. During a one year period a 25% saving in primary energy expenditure was attained. Pollution output was reduced by 30% and more than 80% CHP cycle efficiencies were attained. Additionally, using CHP optimised kiln operation through smoother temperature gradients resulted directly in product defect reduction. Depending on the success of a future industrial demonstration project, the partners will seek commercial exploitation as well as expand the results to other energy sectors where this technology can be applied.

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