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Content archived on 2024-05-24

Development of a simple, low-cost method of pre-forming glass fibres for reinforced plastic parts to significantly reduce sme manufacturing costs

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Accurate measurements of permeability

A permeability rig developed in the UK revolutionises the way in which Resin Transfer Moulding is performed.

Industrial Technologies icon Industrial Technologies

Inexpensive but durable plastic components can be created by the process of Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM). RTM is compatible with a wide variety of resins and involves the injection of the resin into a mould containing a fibre pack. The curing process is then driven by a catalyst. Under FP5, the Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme funded the FIBREFORM project to inspire innovative techniques in RTM. RTM specialist, Plastech Thermoset Tectonics led the consortium of six organisations. Plastech Thermoset Tectonics and its partners invented a permeability rig that facilitates the manufacturing process in several ways. First, as different types of material are used in the fibre pack, the rig provides valuable information about the variation in permeability due to material (e.g. glass, carbon, etc.). In addition, the rig helps engineers optimise tool closure distance in conjunction with fibre pack thickness. Interested parties can contact Plastech Thermoset Tectonics for further information about the prototype developed in the framework of FIBREFORM, which has been copyrighted.

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