CORDIS - EU research results

T for the Black Sea region

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EU and Black Sea team up on technology

Stronger links between the Black Sea region and the EU have helped both parties develop a joint action plan which would further science and technology cooperation.

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The Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) is represented by 11 countries, including EU members Bulgaria, Greece and Romania. The EU-funded project 'T for the Black Sea region' (Actionplanbs) prepared a science and technology strategy for countries around the Black Sea. The plan was designed to be implemented by ministries in BSEC countries that are related to research and technology. The so-called 'BSEC action plan on cooperation in science and technology' was officially adopted at a conference that brought all relevant ministers together, along with representatives of the European Commission. This enterprising action plan was formulated after intensive research and numerous meetings undertaken by the project, in close cooperation with the International Centre for Black Sea Studies (ICBSS). Six months after the launch of the action plan, the project team initiated a work programme that involved several ongoing activities in different countries around or close to the Black Sea. This was followed by a workshop on policy issues in science and technology, which gathered EU experts and policymakers to study the action plan and its priorities. The results from the workshop represented a vision for the future and a roadmap for further progress on science and technology in the region. Overall, the project heralded a new platform for cooperation between the EU and the BSEC, opening up opportunities for joint initiatives and projects. As a result, the EU's sphere of influence in the region has widened significantly. Lastly, the countries around the Black Sea have been able to draw on the EU's immense knowledge in science and technology.

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