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Contenuto archiviato il 2023-03-27

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Programme (EEC) on cooperation between universities and enterprises regarding training in the field of technology (COMETT), 1986-1989

This initial phase of the programme had its roots in a Council Decision of 2 April 1963 laying down general principles for implementing a common vocational training policy. It was also related to the Council Resolution of 2 June 1983 concerning vocational training measures and new information technologies as well as to other measures adopted by the Council to strengthen technological cooperation at Community level, including Decisions concerning ESPRIT, BAP, BRITE and the plan to stimulate European scientific and technical cooperation and interchange (STIMULATION 1C).

At its meeting in March 1985, the European Council reiterated the importance of strengthening the technological base and competitiveness of industry and emphasized the need to make better use of human resources, in particular by means of increased cooperation between higher education and industry.

The programme comprised a range of transnational projects to strengthen European cooperation between universities and enterprises in respect of initial and ongoing training in response to technological and social change.
To give a European dimension to cooperation between universities and enterprises in respect of training related to innovation and new technologies by fostering the joint development of training programmes, the exchange of experience, the optimum use of Community training resources and an improved supply of local, regional and national training, and by identifying priorities requiring supplementary action.
Five measures:

- European Network:
Development of a European network of transnational university-enterprise training partnerships (UETPs) qualifying for technical and financial assistance from the Community;

- Transnational exchanges:
Fellowships and grants to promote the transnational exchange of trainees, including new graduates, university staff and the staff of enterprises;

- Joint ongoing training projects:
Support for the development of ongoing European-level training projects concerned with new technology and carried out jointly by enterprises and universities, as well as support for ongoing training courses for the rapid dissemination in universities and enterprises of the results of new technology R&D;

- Multilateral initiatives for developing multi-media training systems:
Use of new information and communication technologies;

- Additional measures:
Exchanging information, analysing the effect of new technologies on qualifications and reaching a better mutual understanding of the obstacles to university-enterprise cooperation on advanced training.
The Commission, assisted by a committee composed of two representatives of each Member State and chaired by a Commission representative, was responsible for implementing the programme, which consisted of a preparatory phase (1986) followed by an operational phase (1987-1989).
The measures were aimed at new graduates, employers' and workers' representatives, training officers and other employees.

Community support did not exceed 50% of eligible expenditure. Projects were chosen on the basis of, inter alia, their stimulative and exemplary character and their potential contribution to an intensification of training cooperation between universities and enterprises. The choice was made regardless of the involvement of the enterprises concerned in Community R&D projects and took particular account of the training requirements of small and medium-sized undertakings.

An annual report on implementation of the programme was submitted by the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the Advisory Committee on Vocational Training and the Educational Committee.