CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

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Research programme (EEC) on forecasting and assessment in science and technology (FAST), 1983-1987

This second Community programme on forecasting and assessment in science and technology built on and expanded the work of the first, experimental, programme, which was designed to test, over a five-year period, the usefulness of selecting broad long-term directions for Community R&D.

The programme concentrated on three main fields of investigation: New forms of "growth" for Europe, new strategic industrial systems, and transformation of service activities and technological change. Within these fields, two principle tasks were organized:
- To highlight the prospects, problems and potential conflicts which could affect the long-term development of the Community, and hence to propose new long-term orientations for Community action, particularly in the field of science and technology;
- To make use of long-term research studies undertaken within the Member States.
To analyse scientific and technological changes in order to highlight their long-term implications and consequences for the Community's R&D and other policies over the next five to ten years and to propose timely policy options by undertaking multidimensional analysis, setting priorities and strengthening the basis for future studies.
Three main fields of investigation:

- New forms of "growth" for Europe:
. Technology, employment and work (TET programme);
. Integrated development of renewable natural resources (RES programme);

- New strategic industrial systems:
. Communication (COM programme);
. Food (ALIM programme);

- Transformation of service activities and technological change (SERV programme).
The Commission, assisted by an Advisory Committee on Programme Management (ACPM), was responsible for implementing the programme.

The programme was executed by developing its activities on the basis of a network of some 10 national research units; by associating appropriate Community centres or research teams with the execution of its scientific work; by promoting ad hoc networks for information and collaboration at Community level; and by the secondment of visiting fellows to the programme by Community and national institutions (government, academic or professional).

"Visiting fellow" was defined as a person who was seconded to the Commission to work as a member of the FAST unit for a limited period of time. A visiting fellow could be: a civil servant involved with the analysis of long-term problems and prospects, particularly in the fields of science and technology; a senior university researcher or professor of outstanding competence in a particular area of science and technology; a junior researcher beginning his career or preparing his Ph.D. or engaged in post-doctoral specialization.

Information deriving from the execution of the programme was disseminated in accordance with Regulation (EEC) No 2380/74 of 17 September 1974 (Official Journal No L 255 of 20.9.1974) providing for the dissemination of information relating to research programmes for the European Economic Community.

The Commission produced two interim progress reports (1985, 1986) and submitted to the Council and the European Parliament a final report on the results of the programme as evaluated by an independent group.