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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

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Food systems and water resources for the development of inclusive, sustainable and healthy Euro-Mediterranean societies


The objective of this action is to bring together the main national research funding owners and/or managers involved in the PRIMA joint programming process, including the non-European participating states and their institutions, around a jointly designed Strategic Research Agenda with appropriate governance and implementation structures. A critical mass of players and increased synergies between all relevant stakeholders (e.g. relevant ministries responsible for sustainable agricultural production systems and water resources management, research institutions and universities, farmers' organisations) will be key elements for addressing the challenge.

In agreement with the Commission services, projects should ensure appropriate flexibility so as to respond in real time to potentially fast-changing policy scenarios.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of up to EUR 2 million would allow this specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Rapid demographic, socio-economic, and climate changes are threatening the sustainable development of the Mediterranean region, especially the capacity of its agriculture to cope with increased demand for food production in a scenario of water scarcity and increasing competition for water use between different sectors. To address this challenge, it is recognised that a significant and well-coordinated research effort at regional scale is needed to find innovative solutions to sustainable food production and water use. In its recent conclusions on a partnership for research and innovation in the Mediterranean area, the EU Council recalled the importance of creating a stable long-term and sustainable framework to deal with these challenges, based on the principles of co-ownership, integration, mutual benefit and shared benefit between both shores of the Mediterranean basin. To ensure a long term commitment from the participating countries in a well-structured and integrated partnership, it is necessary to prepare the ground by integrating various related on-going joint programming activities on food and water into a large scale coherent programme with well-defined objectives and implementation actions.

Projects are expected to contribute to:

  • reinforced cooperation and coordination of food systems and water research programmes within a long term partnership involving research funding bodies, universities, ministries or any other stakeholders from the two sides of the Mediterranean area;
  • reducing fragmentation of efforts and enhance a collective ownership;
  • facilitating consultation, awareness and commitment;
  • supporting structural, long-lasting progress toward sustainable economic and social development in the Mediterranean;
  • unlocking the innovation potential of participating countries in water management and use for food security;
  • optimising the launch and implementation of a long term partnership, ensuring an appropriate funding from the participating countries and leverage effect.