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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Programme Category

Contenido archivado el 2024-06-12

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Specific Programme "Capacities": International co-operation



More than 100 countries from all over the world are involved in EU Research Programmes. These
activities will continue within the "Cooperation" programme of FP7, which covers the
international cooperation actions in the 10 thematic areas and across themes. They will be
implemented in coordination with the "Cooperation", "People" and "Capacities" programmes of FP7.

What's the benefit for citizens:

International research and development will contribute to the production of global public goods
and help to close the gap between different countries in the world. There is already a significant
body of scientific knowledge in the world improving the lives of those who live in developing
countries as well as those of European citizens. Where possible, the Framework Programme will
also contribute to meeting the Millennium Development Goals by 2010.

What's the benefit for researchers:

The enhanced participation of researchers and research institutions from third world countries
applying the appropriate restrictions for security issues in order to respect the confidentiality
aspects within the thematic areas. They will be strongly encouraged to seize this opportunity -
be it through collaborative research or through fellowships.
Specific cooperation actions in each thematic area dedicated to third world countries in cases
of mutual interest; to cooperate on the particular topics selected based on their scientific and
technological levels and needs. These actions are closely associated with either the bilateral
cooperation agreements, or multilateral dialogues between the EU and these countries or groups
of countries and will serve as privileged tools for implementing the cooperation between the EU
and these countries.
In particular, such actions are:
• Actions aiming to reinforce the research capacities of candidate countries and
neighbourhood countries;
• Cooperative activities targeting developing and emerging countries focusing on
their particular needs in various fields such as health, agriculture, fisheries and
environment, and implemented in financial conditions adapted to their capacities.

What's the benefit for industry and SMEs:

International cooperation under FP7 will further integrate the EU into the worldwide community
and thus help advance research and technology in those countries that are building their own
knowledge capacity. These will, on one hand lead to enriching European research with the pool
of knowledge generated around the world, while enhancing, on the other hand, the science and
technology awareness and competence of societies and companies in developing countries.