CORDIS - Wyniki badań wspieranych przez UE

International Working Group on Natural Hazards in the Tien Shan


We propose to establish an international and multidisciplinary Working Group on Natural Hazards in the Tien Shan Mountains of Central Asia. This initiative follows the recognised need for efficiently linking natural hazards research, integral risk management, and environmental protection via cooperative support activities between European, Russia, and NIS experts. In a "First Stage", we focus on hazards from slope instability. We thereby aim to contribute to sustainable development during the current transition phase in the NIS. Our key objective is to jointly identify, rank, and illustrate high-priority research needs on slope instability, and ensuing risks to the region's population, infrastructure, and environment.

A comprehensive review and critical evaluation of existing information will be collated in a regional-scale "Hot Spots & Crucial Gaps" map and catalogue. This activity will actively contribute to disseminating previously unavailable research results between European and Russian/NIS researchers. We further intend to develop from these data project sketches, recommendations, and feasibility assessments for use in future collaborative research activities and joint RTD proposals. Together with the identified "Hot Spots & Crucial Gaps", the se project sketches will also be valuable tools for strategically coordinating RTD activities, optimally targeting and allocating of funds and resources, monitoring scientific progress, and augmenting geospatial data on natural hazards in the region. Regional "supply and demand" will be summarised in a project portfolio on former, present, and planned hazard- and risk-related projects in the Tien Shan.

Finally, we will host coordinated and cost-efficient activities to strengthen awareness, skills, and capacity building and knowledge dissemination on slope-instability hazards for European, Russian, and NIS young researchers and students, in an International Field Workshop, Summer School, and a NATASHA Exhibition.

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Brak danych
Zuercherstrasse 111

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Uczestnicy (6)