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CORDIS - EU research results

Protein biophysics: experimental and computational investigations of folding, structure, function and aggregation


The objective is to transfer a team leader and research group in protein biophisics from the US to Europe. This group will investigate the areas of protein folding, function, structure prediction-design, and aggregation, using the experimental, theoretic al, and computational approaches.

The specific goals are:
1) Consolidating the shift from the traditional biochemical to a physical paradigm in protein folding.
This will be achieved by:
1.1) developing methods for analysis of experimental data based on physical theory;
1.2) building a catalogue of small proteins with simple structures ("folding archetypes") that will be studied with state-of-the-art spectroscopic techniques;
1.3) application of molecular simulations to interpret experiments.
2) Building protein structure prediction and design methods that incorporate free energy. This will be achieved by integrating simple theoretical models for calculating folding free energy surfaces in the refinement of empirical-force fields and in the algorithms for sampling structures.
3) Investigating the role of dynamic conformational ensembles in regulating protein function and protein networks.

The possible role as molecular rheostats of protein domains with broad conformational ensembles (ownhill folders) will be investigated with single molecule spectroscopy techniques and protein engineering.
4) Developing new concepts and approaches to study protein aggregation.

This subproject involves analysing the role of the alpha helix in disease-causing aggregation, and developing microfluidic methods to study in vitro aggregation in controlled environments. This grant will allow the return of an accomplished young European team leader back from the US. It will also bring several scientists of both European and non-European nationalities, thereby enriching the European workforce in terms of diversity and expertise.

Call for proposal

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EU contribution
No data
C/Serrano 117

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Total cost
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