CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Enhanced Safety and Efficient Construction of Masonry Structures in Europe (ESECMaSE)


The adopted design method for lateral loading (shear) of masonry structures in Eurocode 6 is strongly simplified and there is no associated test method for the determination of masonry shear strength which covers the full range of possible failure modes of masonry in shear. On the other hand static and dynamic horizontal loading of buildings have dramatically increased in European Load Standards, such as Eurocode 8 and Erocode 1. Hence the design of traditional structures in masonry is difficult and in many cases impossible. Due to this dilemma the European Masonry Industry, which is mainly composed of SMEs, is facing a dramatic loss of market share in housebuilding practice although masonry is because of its variability, hygienic and energy saving performances the best-tried construction for house-building technics in central Europe. To prevent future disadvantages and ensure employment in SMEs within the European Building Industry, the proposed research project aims at a fundamental investigation of the mechanisms of masonry shear-bearing-capacity and the evaluation and exploitation of load- bearing-potential of load bearing masonry structures. The intention of the proposed project is an improvement of knowledge in the lateral (shear) design of masonry in order to enhance the practical utilization of harmonized European design standards.
The aims of the project will be achieved by means of theoretical investigations and carefully monitored tests on specimen, closing with a large scale test on a selected building. These targets can never be accomplished by individual SME's or lAG's on their own. The partners of the consortium were carefully chosen to ensure the quality of research, implement the results in product development and European Standardisation as well as to endorse the general dissemination and exploitation of the results to the participants of house building industry.

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