CORDIS - EU research results

General Olfaction and Sensing Projects on a European Level


Artificial olfaction offers the most promising route to overcome the current limitations of gas sensing technologies, but as an inherently multi-disciplinary field suffers from fragmentation and lack of communication. The network of excellence GOSPEL (General Olfaction and Sensing Projects on a European Level) aims to establish Europe as a world leader in science, technology development and subsequent commercial exploitation of artificial olfaction and gas sensing.

GOSPEL will provide a landscape of European capability in artificial olfaction and will identify the barriers to its exploitation and provide measures to overcome them. It will identify services required by industry, develop the offering and put in place the necessary legal and organisational structures to implement them. The network aims to produce a long-term restructuring of European research through the formation of a revenue-generating self-sustaining entity, a European Research Interest Group (ERIG) based on the legal model of an EEIG. GOSPEL will enable early-stage and established researchers to develop multi-disciplinary approaches to this subject through a comprehensive training and exchange programme.

The scientific goals include:
(1) thorough understanding of the biological sense of smell and mimic its relevant functions,
(2) provision of an objective, quantitative assessment of gases and odours, and
(3) provision of the means to monitor technically relevant and non-odorant gases even in complex mixtures.

The participants¿ expertise crystallizes around three focal points, the centres of excellence (CoE), dedicated to: microsystem research ("hardware"); the development of algorithms and data processing methods ("software"); fundamental research in biological olfaction and data processing ("biomimetics"). The technological centre of gravity will be the development of highly integrated microsensors in silicon technology to enable more robust and stable gas sensing products with wide applicability.

Call for proposal

Data not available


EU contribution
No data

See on map

Total cost
No data

Participants (22)