CORDIS - Wyniki badań wspieranych przez UE

Opening Synchrotron Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle East



OPEN SESAME: A Horizon2020 Project to Help the SESAME Light Source

Autorzy: M. A. G. Aranda, G. Facile, J. Gillies, N. Guimard, F. Lehner, E. P. Mitchell
Opublikowane w: Synchrotron Radiation News, Numer 32/6, 2019, Strona(/y) 55-56, ISSN 0894-0886
Wydawca: Gordon Publications
DOI: 10.1080/08940886.2019.1680222

OPEN SESAME: Helping SESAME - the first major international science centre in the Middle East

Autorzy: OPEN SESAME Work Package Leaders
Opublikowane w: Project Respository Journal, Numer Volume 3 October 2019, 2019, Strona(/y) 34=37, ISSN 2632-4067
Wydawca: EDMA

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