CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

A programme for cosmology from current and next-generation Cosmic Microwave Background experiments


Eine neue Ära in der Analyse von Daten kosmischer Hintergrundstrahlung

Beobachtungen der kosmischen Hintergrundstrahlung, der Reststrahlung des Urknalls, sind wichtig für die Untersuchung der frühen und späten Phasen der Evolution des Universums. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt CMBforward wird das Wissen, das aus Daten des Planck-Satelliten der ESA und dem Atacama Cosmology Telescope gewonnen wurde, ausnutzen und fortschrittliche Datenanalysemethoden zur Interpretation neuer Daten des Atacama Cosmology Telescope (zwischen 2020 und 2022) sowie des neuen Simons-Observatoriums (ab 2022) entwickeln, die den Stand der Technik voranbringen werden. Die Bemühungen werden sich um die Einschränkung der Neutrinoeigenschaften und die Untersuchung des Charakters der primordialen Fluktuationen drehen, die die kosmischen Strukturen, die Physik dunkler Materie und dunkler Energie sowie die Zeit der kosmischen Morgendämmerung steuern.


After almost two decades, the Standard Model of cosmology remains deeply unsatisfactory and incomplete from a theoretical viewpoint. Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations provide a unique window into the early universe and are key to answering our most important and unresolved questions.
The CMB has been mapped recently with unprecedented precision by the Planck satellite. However, its full potential in testing fundamental physics lies in measurements of its polarization at high resolution and sensitivity. This will be unlocked for the first time with current and future ground-based experiments. The Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) is one of the leading experiments currently operating and from 2021 the new Simons Observatory (SO) will supersede all existing and funded instruments.
CMBforward is a programme capitalizing on my expertise built with Planck and ACT, to deliver new CMB cosmology from ACT (during 2020-22) and SO (from 2022) that will advance the state of the art. I will lead work that will take great strides in constraining the properties of neutrinos, the nature of the primordial fluctuations seeding the cosmic structures, the physics of dark matter and dark energy, and the time of cosmic dawn. Recognizing the need and importance of a new dedicated CMB satellite, I will also lead, working closely with other European partners and space agencies, the design of the next CMB mission with European contribution.
This proposal presents a workplan for the development of new, more precise, and robust data analysis techniques, and requests support for the research time and resources needed for analysis and scientific exploitation of the high volume of incoming data. Building on my expertise in characterizing and interpreting CMB data, and with leadership established and secured in key current and future experiments, this project is unique in bringing together past, present and future CMB studies, and will be at the forefront of key frontiers in cosmology.


ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 1 915 814,00
CF24 0DE Cardiff
Vereinigtes Königreich

Auf der Karte ansehen

Wales East Wales Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 915 814,00

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