CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2022-12-23

Relating sensory instrumental and consumer choice studies


- To characterise the relationship between instrumental data and sensory data and between consumer choice studies and sensory data;

- To review and develop functional and applied models for food choice behaviour;

- To establish a data base of state-of-the-art instrumental methods relating to sensory perception of foods;

- To improve compatibility of European food industries through fast and efficient transfer of results from research to applied product development, control and assurance;

- Integration between scientific disciplines;

- Harmonisation of approaches to similar problem structures for a variety of studies and foods;

- To promote the dissemination of results, especially towards contemporary university training in sensory science.

Participating institutions from Member Countries :B, D, DK, E, F, GR, IRL, I, NL, P, UK
Interested Third Countries : CH, N, S, SF, YU


There is an increased need for the European food system to reflect the consumer's desire to maintain tradition and culture in the drive to improve food quality and effectively use developing technology and knowledge.

There are a few scientists in each state working in the field of sensory and consumer research and this project will involve key experts from most European countries. The participants include both fundamental and applied scientists with substantial contacts in the food industry, as well as direct food industry representatives. If successful progress is to be made in understanding consumer preference and choice and its relevance to food production and marketing, it is essential that this concerted project takes a coordinated approach. This concerted project involves 42 participating laboratories from 14 European Countries and formally brings together researchers from a wide range of disciplines, including psychologists, statisticians, food technologists/scientists, rheologists, chemists and sensory analysts. To date, these researchers have worked relatively independently in national structures, but have addressed similar objectives and problems. For added value to be achieved in ongoing research, a high degree of coordination and communication between groups is essential.


- A series of 5, 2-3 day meetings (30-40 participants) will be arranged which will be open to an extent, for local representatives from industry, authorities and consumer organisations. The first meeting on "Defining quality" will be held in December 1990.

- A series of workshops are planned. The topics for these are more specific and they will be of relevance to smaller groups.

- A major part of the project aims to build predictive models for specific products to relate perceived information to instrumental/chemical/physical information. A network of relevant industries to test and evaluate these models will be established.

- A series of publications of the results are planned to assist industry in their training and instruction programmes. The publication of "popular" articles in the trade press will be actively encouraged too.

This project also belongs to the EC research and development programme, FLAIR.


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Norwegian Food Research Institute MATFORSK
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