CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2023-01-02

The elaboration and implementation of a waste management system for the Polish refineries


Aim: The elaboration of a waste management system in order to minimise waste generation, the right treatment-methods and prevent pollution.
Results foreseen: the management of wastestream in refineries from the generation to their end-treatment.

This project consists of different phases.
Phase 1: Inventarisation of the local situation with regards to:
- internal processing
- qualification and quantification of the waste
- local legislation
Phase 2: analysis of the different wastestreams.
Phase 3: Dataprocessing from phase 1 and 2.
Phase 4.1: Establishment of a waste management system with respect to: legality, recycling, wasteprevention, economic solutions, waste treatment, internal and external transport, regularisation of the existing situation etc.
Phase 4.2: Establishment of an eco-audit including all possible aspects of a waste management system.
Phase 5: Implementation, guiding and follow-up of the audit-results and the waste management system.

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