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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Training on Laser Fabrication and Ion Implantation of Defects as Quantum Emitters

Description du projet

Poser les bases du leadership européen dans le domaine des technologies quantiques

La photonique quantique fait le pont entre la physique et les sciences de l’information. Elle s’appuie sur la mécanique quantique et les propriétés uniques des photons pour offrir une nouvelle façon de coder, transmettre et traiter l’information qui promet de révolutionner les technologies de l’information et des communications. Les dispositifs photoniques quantiques devraient ouvrir la voie à la mise au point de technologies quantiques telles que la détection quantique, les communications quantique et l’informatique quantique. La diffusion de ces applications dépendra non seulement du développement des technologies proprement dites, mais aussi des méthodes requises pour la fabrication pratique des dispositifs. Le projet LasIonDef, financé par l’UE, forme une nouvelle génération de chercheurs afin de garantir que l’Europe se positionne à l’avant-garde du développement et de la mise en œuvre des technologies quantiques.


LasIonDef will establish an effective and innovative network delivering high level training in integrated quantum photonic and microfluidics platforms and helping to fulfil Europe’s necessity for expertise in applied quantum technologies. The project unites outstanding European academic and industry researchers with complementary theoretical and experimental background to develop tomorrow’s quantum technologies. Photonic quantum devices based on solid state quantum emitters represent one of the most promising approaches to realize quantum technologies such as quantum sensing, quantum communication and quantum computing. Quantum technologies are expected to mimic trends seen in semiconductor microelectronics, whereby sophisticated networks are composed of simpler building blocks, from a favoured group of advanced materials. LasIonDef will provide highly qualified young professionals skilled training on the design, theory, fabrication, characterisation, and integration of quantum devices in emerging quantum material platforms such as diamond, GaN, and hBN. To the industrial partners, the project will offer young and brilliant researchers, with relevant skills to prosper in an industrial environment, while delivering cutting-edge quantum photonic devices. LasIonDef will contribute to the teaching and dissemination of quantum physics and quantum technologies by producing open access educational material. LasIonDef will train 13 ESRs in the highly interdisciplinary field of quantum technologies, provide 3 years of training within the facilities of our research centers and industrial partners. In addition, LasIonDef will further strengthen Europe’s world leading position in research and development of quantum technologies.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 522 999,36
00185 Roma

Voir sur la carte

Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 522 999,36

Participants (7)